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Join team Problem

Публикувано на: 24 Дек 2017, 12:46
от lantimilan
Hello i have one problem with sometimes player stay in spec but he make problem for gametracker i dont know i blocked command but again countinue who can help me to delete all cvar just to put all players,admin direct in games cant stay spec not have enable any cvar just to worked directly to put spec :

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

#include <amxmodx>

new const g_cTeamChars[MAX_TEAMS] =
new const g_sTeamNums[MAX_TEAMS][] =
new const g_sClassNums[MAX_TEAMS][] =

// Old Style Menus
stock const FIRST_JOIN_MSG[] =		"#Team_Select";
stock const FIRST_JOIN_MSG_SPEC[] =	"#Team_Select_Spect";
stock const INGAME_JOIN_MSG[] =		"#IG_Team_Select";
stock const INGAME_JOIN_MSG_SPEC[] =	"#IG_Team_Select_Spect";
const iMaxLen = sizeof(INGAME_JOIN_MSG_SPEC);

// New VGUI Menus
stock const VGUI_JOIN_TEAM_NUM =		2;

new g_iTeam[33];
new g_iPlayers[MAX_TEAMS];

new tjm_join_team;
new tjm_switch_team;
new tjm_class[MAX_TEAMS];
new tjm_block_change;

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Team Join Management", "0.3", "Exolent");
	register_event("TeamInfo", "event_TeamInfo", "a");
	register_message(get_user_msgid("ShowMenu"), "message_ShowMenu");
	register_message(get_user_msgid("VGUIMenu"), "message_VGUIMenu");
	tjm_join_team = register_cvar("tjm_join_team", "1");
	tjm_switch_team = register_cvar("tjm_switch_team", "1");
	tjm_class[TEAM_T] = register_cvar("tjm_class_t", "2");
	tjm_class[TEAM_CT] = register_cvar("tjm_class_ct", "4");
	tjm_block_change = register_cvar("tjm_block_change", "1");

public plugin_cfg()
	set_cvar_num("mp_limitteams", 32);
	set_cvar_num("sv_restart", 1);

public client_disconnect(id)

public event_TeamInfo()
	new id = read_data(1);
	new sTeam[32], iTeam;
	read_data(2, sTeam, sizeof(sTeam) - 1);
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMS; i++)
		if(g_cTeamChars[i] == sTeam[0])
			iTeam = i;
	if(g_iTeam[id] != iTeam)
		g_iTeam[id] = iTeam;

public message_ShowMenu(iMsgid, iDest, id)
	static sMenuCode[iMaxLen];
	get_msg_arg_string(4, sMenuCode, sizeof(sMenuCode) - 1);
	if(equal(sMenuCode, FIRST_JOIN_MSG) || equal(sMenuCode, FIRST_JOIN_MSG_SPEC))
			set_autojoin_task(id, iMsgid);
	else if(equal(sMenuCode, INGAME_JOIN_MSG) || equal(sMenuCode, INGAME_JOIN_MSG_SPEC))
			set_autoswitch_task(id, iMsgid);
		else if(get_pcvar_num(tjm_block_change))

public message_VGUIMenu(iMsgid, iDest, id)
	if(get_msg_arg_int(1) != VGUI_JOIN_TEAM_NUM)
		set_autojoin_task(id, iMsgid);
	else if(should_autoswitch(id))
		set_autoswitch_task(id, iMsgid);
	else if((TEAM_NONE < g_iTeam[id] < TEAM_SPEC) && get_pcvar_num(tjm_block_change))

public task_Autojoin(iParam[], id)
	new iTeam = get_new_team(get_pcvar_num(tjm_join_team));
	if(iTeam != -1)
		handle_join(id, iParam[0], iTeam);

public task_Autoswitch(iParam[], id)
	new iTeam = get_switch_team(id);
	if(iTeam != -1)
		handle_join(id, iParam[0], iTeam);

stock handle_join(id, iMsgid, iTeam)
	new iMsgBlock = get_msg_block(iMsgid);
	set_msg_block(iMsgid, BLOCK_SET);
	engclient_cmd(id, "jointeam", g_sTeamNums[iTeam]);
	new iClass = get_team_class(iTeam);
	if(1 <= iClass <= 4)
		engclient_cmd(id, "joinclass", g_sClassNums[iClass - 1]);
	set_msg_block(iMsgid, iMsgBlock);

stock get_new_team(iCvar)
		case 1:
			return TEAM_T;
		case 2:
			return TEAM_CT;
		case 3:
			return TEAM_SPEC;
		case 4:
			new iTCount = g_iPlayers[TEAM_T];
			new iCTCount = g_iPlayers[TEAM_CT];
			if(iTCount < iCTCount)
				return TEAM_T;
			else if(iTCount > iCTCount)
				return TEAM_CT;
				return random_num(TEAM_T, TEAM_CT);
	return -1;

stock get_switch_team(id)
	new iTeam;
	new iTCount = g_iPlayers[TEAM_T];
	new iCTCount = g_iPlayers[TEAM_CT];
		case TEAM_T: iTCount--;
		case TEAM_CT: iCTCount--;
	if(iTCount < iCTCount)
		iTeam = TEAM_T;
	else if(iTCount > iCTCount)
		iTeam = TEAM_CT;
		iTeam = random_num(TEAM_T, TEAM_CT);
	if(iTeam != g_iTeam[id])
		return iTeam;
	return -1;

stock get_team_class(iTeam)
	new iClass;
	if(TEAM_NONE < iTeam < TEAM_SPEC)
		iClass = get_pcvar_num(tjm_class[iTeam]);
		if(iClass < 1 || iClass > 4)
			iClass = random_num(1, 4);
	return iClass;

stock set_autojoin_task(id, iMsgid)
	new iParam[2];
	iParam[0] = iMsgid;
	set_task(0.1, "task_Autojoin", id, iParam, sizeof(iParam));

stock set_autoswitch_task(id, iMsgid)
	new iParam[2];
	iParam[0] = iMsgid;
	set_task(0.1, "task_Autoswitch", id, iParam, sizeof(iParam));

stock bool:should_autojoin(id)
	return ((5 > get_pcvar_num(tjm_join_team) > 0) && is_user_connected(id) && !(TEAM_NONE < g_iTeam[id] < TEAM_SPEC) && !task_exists(id));

stock bool:should_autoswitch(id)
	return (get_pcvar_num(tjm_switch_team) && is_user_connected(id) && (TEAM_NONE < g_iTeam[id] < TEAM_SPEC) && !task_exists(id));

Join team Problem

Публикувано на: 24 Дек 2017, 13:15
от 1fRaNkkK
This plugin that you're using is Old because there's a new version - I suggest you to use the new one which is here: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=177592
For the 'spec problem' don't know if the new version has cvar for this. If not I recommend you to give the .sma of the new version to be edited.

Join team Problem

Публикувано на: 24 Дек 2017, 13:59
от TheRedShoko
If you are using ReGameDLL there are cvars for that. mp_autojoin and humans_join_team.

Join team Problem

Публикувано на: 24 Дек 2017, 17:18
от lantimilan
TheRedShoko написа: 24 Дек 2017, 13:59 If you are using ReGameDLL there are cvars for that. mp_autojoin and humans_join_team.
Yes i use but regamedll you can chose team and some people stay not chose this method stay spec in server

Join team Problem

Публикувано на: 12 Яну 2018, 10:18
от lantimilan
OxiCrom can you commit in ReGameDll to edit this cvar, or to tell me any plugin same with function i have some but have bug and allow sometimes to have spectator :
// Automatically joins the team
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled (Use in conjunction with the cvar humans_join_team any/SPEC/CT/T)
// Default value: "0"
mp_auto_join_team 0

To delete chance for stay spec , to change team , and to stoped all method for stay in spectator

Join team Problem

Публикувано на: 12 Яну 2018, 20:05
от OciXCrom
If some people stay spectator, than can mean that there aren't enough slots (spawnpoints) on the map. You can check that and add more with this plugin.

Join team Problem

Публикувано на: 13 Яну 2018, 09:58
от lantimilan
I have this plugin but some when you connect you stay spec where start new round or others can stay spec where start new round , some other use jointeam 6 to go in spectator

Join team Problem

Публикувано на: 18 Мар 2018, 09:14
от lantimilan
Fixed close topic ;)