Въпроси и проблеми свързани с AMXModX.
Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 04 Яну 2018, 21:01

OciXCrom™ написа: 04 Яну 2018, 19:35 Не знам защо. Програмата за преглеждане модели крашва при опит да ги отворя. Откъде си ги намерил?
Изтеглих и ги сложих наново, дадох ги да ги качат в свдл и ме пусна, но още няма скинове. Пробвах с двата плъгина (crx_vipstuff & малкия код). Ето ги и кодовете, още малко и ще стане!

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define PLUGIN_NAME "VIP Extras"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "2.2.1"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "OciXCrom"

#define MODELS_PATH "models/player"
#define SOUND_MENU "items/gunpickup2.wav"

new flag_vip, flag_skin, wait, maxhealth, maxmoney, menu_enabled, menu_maxuses, menu_spawn
new get_health, get_armor, health_amount, armor_amount, get_deagle, he_amount, flash_amount, smoke_amount, get_transparency, transparency_amount
new get_m4a1, get_ak47, get_awp, get_g3sg1, get_sg550, menu_m4a1, menu_ak47, menu_awp, menu_g3sg1, menu_sg550
new menu_health, menu_armor, menu_deagle, menu_transparency, menu_speed, menu_gravity, menu_moredamage
new get_skin_t, get_skin_ct, skin_name_t, skin_name_ct, get_speed, speed_amount, get_gravity, gravity_amount, get_moredamage, moredamage_multiplier
new killbonus_health_normal, killbonus_health_headshot, killbonus_money_normal, killbonus_money_headshot
new skin_t[32], skin_ct[32], menu_uses[33]
new bool:user_moredamage[33]

new bool:skin_t_active
new bool:skin_ct_active

new const szPrefix[] = "^4[^3VIP Extras^4]"

enum Color
	NORMAL = 1, // clients scr_concolor cvar color
	GREEN, // Green Color
	TEAM_COLOR, // Red, grey, blue
	GREY, // grey
	RED, // Red
	BLUE, // Blue

new TeamName[][] = 

public plugin_init()
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "player_spawn", 1)
	RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "player_damage")
	register_event("DeathMsg", "player_killed", "a")
	register_event("CurWeapon", "change_weapon", "be", "1=1")
	register_clcmd("say /vm", "vip_menu")
	register_clcmd("say_team /vm", "vip_menu")
	register_clcmd("say /vipmenu", "vip_menu")
	register_clcmd("say_team /vipmenu", "vip_menu")
	wait = register_cvar("ve_wait", "0.5")
	flag_vip = register_cvar("ve_vipflag", "o")
	flag_skin = register_cvar("ve_skinflag", "a")
	menu_enabled = register_cvar("ve_menu_enabled", "0")
	menu_maxuses = register_cvar("ve_menu_maxuses", "1")
	menu_spawn = register_cvar("ve_menu_spawn", "1")
	get_health = register_cvar("ve_get_health", "1")
	get_armor = register_cvar("ve_get_armor", "1")
	get_deagle = register_cvar("ve_get_deagle", "1")
	get_transparency = register_cvar("ve_get_transparency", "0")
	get_speed = register_cvar("ve_get_speed", "0")
	get_gravity = register_cvar("ve_get_gravity", "0")
	get_m4a1 = register_cvar("ve_get_m4a1", "0")
	get_ak47 = register_cvar("ve_get_ak47", "0")
	get_awp = register_cvar("ve_get_awp", "0")
	get_g3sg1 = register_cvar("ve_get_g3sg1", "0")
	get_sg550 = register_cvar("ve_get_sg550", "0")
	get_moredamage = register_cvar("ve_get_moredamage", "0")
	menu_health = register_cvar("ve_menu_health", "1")
	menu_armor = register_cvar("ve_menu_armor", "1")
	menu_deagle = register_cvar("ve_menu_deagle", "1")
	menu_transparency = register_cvar("ve_menu_transparency", "1")
	menu_speed = register_cvar("ve_menu_speed", "1")
	menu_gravity = register_cvar("ve_menu_gravity", "1")
	menu_m4a1 = register_cvar("ve_menu_m4a1", "1")
	menu_ak47 = register_cvar("ve_menu_ak47", "1")
	menu_awp = register_cvar("ve_menu_awp", "1")
	menu_g3sg1 = register_cvar("ve_menu_g3sg1", "1")
	menu_sg550 = register_cvar("ve_menu_sg550", "1")
	menu_moredamage = register_cvar("ve_menu_moredamage", "1")
	health_amount = register_cvar("ve_health_amount", "150")
	armor_amount = register_cvar("ve_armor_amount", "100")
	he_amount = register_cvar("ve_he_amount", "1")
	flash_amount = register_cvar("ve_flash_amount", "2")
	smoke_amount = register_cvar("ve_smoke_amount", "1")
	transparency_amount = register_cvar("ve_transparency_amount", "75")
	speed_amount = register_cvar("ve_speed_amount", "300.0")
	gravity_amount = register_cvar("ve_gravity_amount", "0.5")
	moredamage_multiplier = register_cvar("ve_moredamage_multiplier", "2")
	killbonus_health_normal = register_cvar("ve_killbonus_health_normal", "5")
	killbonus_health_headshot = register_cvar("ve_killbonus_health_headshot", "10")
	killbonus_money_normal = register_cvar("ve_killbonus_money_normal", "300")
	killbonus_money_headshot = register_cvar("ve_killbonus_money_headshot", "500")
	maxhealth = register_cvar("ve_max_health", "200")
	maxmoney = register_cvar("ve_max_money", "16000")

public change_weapon(id)
	if(user_has_flag(id, flag_vip) && get_pcvar_num(get_speed) == 1) set_user_maxspeed(id, get_pcvar_float(speed_amount))

public player_spawn(id)
		menu_uses[id] = 0
		user_moredamage[id] = false
		set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxNone, 0, 0, 0, kRenderNormal, 0)
		if(get_pcvar_num(menu_enabled) > 0 && get_pcvar_num(menu_spawn) == 1)
	set_task(get_pcvar_float(wait), "vip_set", id)

public vip_set(id)
	if(user_has_flag(id, flag_skin))
			case 1: if(skin_t_active) cs_set_user_model(id, skin_t)
			case 2: if(skin_ct_active) cs_set_user_model(id, skin_ct)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_enabled) == 1)
	if(user_has_flag(id, flag_vip))
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_health) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 0)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_armor) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 1)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_deagle) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 2)
		new he = get_pcvar_num(he_amount)
		new flash = get_pcvar_num(flash_amount)
		new smoke = get_pcvar_num(smoke_amount)
		if(he > 0)
			vip_equip(id, 3)
		if(flash > 0)
			vip_equip(id, 4)
		if(smoke > 0)
			vip_equip(id, 5)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_transparency) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 6)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_speed) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 7)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_gravity) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 8)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_m4a1) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 9)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_ak47) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 10)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_awp) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 11)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_g3sg1) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 12)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_sg550) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 13)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_moredamage) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 14)

public vip_equip(id, item)
		case 0: set_user_health(id, get_pcvar_num(health_amount))
		case 1: set_user_armor(id, get_pcvar_num(armor_amount))
		case 2:
			give_item(id, "weapon_deagle")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35)
		case 3:
			give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_HEGRENADE, get_pcvar_num(he_amount))
		case 4:
			give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_FLASHBANG, get_pcvar_num(flash_amount))
		case 5:
			give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_SMOKEGRENADE, get_pcvar_num(smoke_amount))
		case 6: set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxGlowShell, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, get_pcvar_num(transparency_amount))
		case 7: set_user_maxspeed(id, get_pcvar_float(speed_amount))
		case 8: set_user_gravity(id, get_pcvar_float(gravity_amount))
		case 9:
			give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_M4A1, 90)
		case 10:
			give_item(id, "weapon_ak47")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AK47, 90)
		case 11:
			give_item(id, "weapon_awp")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AWP, 30)
		case 12:
			give_item(id, "weapon_g3sg1")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_G3SG1, 90)
		case 13:
			give_item(id, "weapon_sg550")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_SG550, 90)
		case 14:
			user_moredamage[id] = true

public vip_menu(id)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_enabled) == 0)
		ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "%s ^1The ^4VIP Menu ^1is currently ^3disabled^1.", szPrefix)
	if(!user_has_flag(id, flag_vip))
		ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "%s ^1You have ^3no access ^1to this command.", szPrefix)
		ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "%s ^1You need to be ^3alive^1!", szPrefix)
	if(menu_uses[id] == get_pcvar_num(menu_maxuses))
		ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "%s ^1You can use the menu only ^4%i ^1time(s).", szPrefix, get_pcvar_num(menu_maxuses))
	new title[100], item[50]
	formatex(title, charsmax(title), "\yOciXCrom's \rCustom VIP Extras\d")
	new vipmenu = menu_create(title, "vipmenu_handler")
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_health) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Health Points \y(+%i)", get_pcvar_num(health_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "0", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_armor) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Armor Points \y(+%i)", get_pcvar_num(armor_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "1", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_deagle) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Deagle \y(Full Ammo)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "2", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(he_amount) > 0)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "He Grenade \y(%ix)", get_pcvar_num(he_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "3", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(flash_amount) > 0)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Flash Grenade \y(%ix)", get_pcvar_num(flash_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "4", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(smoke_amount) > 0)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Smoke Grenade \y(%ix)", get_pcvar_num(smoke_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "5", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_transparency) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Transparency \y(%i%)", get_pcvar_num(transparency_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "6", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_speed) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Faster Speed \y(%i)", get_pcvar_num(speed_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "7", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_gravity) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Low Gravity \y(%f)", get_pcvar_float(gravity_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "8", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_m4a1) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "M4A1 \y(Full Ammo)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "9", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_ak47) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "AK47 \y(Full Ammo)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "10", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_awp) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "AWP \y(Sniper)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "11", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_g3sg1) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "G3SG1 \y(Automatic Sniper)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "12", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_sg550) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "SG550 \y(Automatic Sniper)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "13", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_moredamage) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "More Damage \y(%ix)", get_pcvar_num(moredamage_multiplier))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "14", 0)
	menu_setprop(vipmenu, MPROP_EXITNAME, "\rClose the Menu")
	menu_setprop(vipmenu, MPROP_BACKNAME, "\rGo to the \yPrevious \rPage")
	menu_setprop(vipmenu, MPROP_NEXTNAME, "\rGo to the \yNext \rPage")
	menu_setprop(vipmenu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL)
	menu_display(id, vipmenu, 0)

public vipmenu_handler(id, vipmenu, item)
	if(item == MENU_EXIT)
	new data[6], iName[64], access, callback
	menu_item_getinfo(vipmenu, item, access, data, charsmax(data), iName, charsmax(iName), callback)

	new key = str_to_num(data)
	vip_equip(id, key)
	ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "%s ^1You have successfully used the ^3VIP Menu^1 (^4%i^1/^4%i^1)", szPrefix, menu_uses[id], get_pcvar_num(menu_maxuses))

public player_killed()
	new attacker = read_data(1)
	new victim = read_data(2)
	if(!is_user_connected(attacker) || !is_user_connected(victim) || attacker == victim || !user_has_flag(attacker, flag_vip))
	new headshot = read_data(3)
	new health = get_user_health(attacker)
	new money = cs_get_user_money(attacker)
	new reward_health = headshot ? get_pcvar_num(killbonus_health_headshot) : get_pcvar_num(killbonus_health_normal)
	new reward_money = headshot ? get_pcvar_num(killbonus_money_headshot) : get_pcvar_num(killbonus_money_normal)
	new health_max = get_pcvar_num(maxhealth)
	new money_max = get_pcvar_num(maxmoney)
	set_user_health(attacker, health + reward_health)
	cs_set_user_money(attacker, money + reward_money)
	if(get_user_health(attacker) > health_max) set_user_health(attacker, health_max)
	if(cs_get_user_money(attacker) > money_max) cs_set_user_money(attacker, money_max)

public player_damage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, damage_bits)
		if(user_moredamage[attacker] && attacker != victim)
			SetHamParamFloat(4, damage * get_pcvar_float(moredamage_multiplier))

public plugin_precache()
	get_skin_t = register_cvar("ve_get_skin_t", "1")
	get_skin_ct = register_cvar("ve_get_skin_ct", "1")
	skin_name_t = register_cvar("ve_skin_name_t", "vip_t")
	skin_name_ct = register_cvar("ve_skin_name_ct", "vip_ct")

	skin_t_active = (get_pcvar_num(get_skin_t) == 1) ? true : false
	skin_ct_active = (get_pcvar_num(get_skin_ct) == 1) ? true : false
		new skin1[50]
		get_pcvar_string(skin_name_t, skin_t, charsmax(skin_t))
		formatex(skin1, charsmax(skin1), "%s/%s/%s.mdl", MODELS_PATH, skin_t, skin_t)
		new skin2[50]
		get_pcvar_string(skin_name_ct, skin_ct, charsmax(skin_ct))
		formatex(skin2, charsmax(skin2), "%s/%s/%s.mdl", MODELS_PATH, skin_ct, skin_ct)

stock user_has_flag(id, cvar)
	new flags[32]
	get_flags(get_user_flags(id), flags, charsmax(flags))
	new vip_flag[2]
	get_pcvar_string(cvar, vip_flag, charsmax(vip_flag))
	return (contain(flags, vip_flag) != -1) ? true : false

/* ======================================================================================================= */
/* ColorChat */
/* ======================================================================================================= */
ColorChat(id, Color:type, const msg[], {Float,Sql,Result,_}:...)
	if( !get_playersnum() ) return;
	new message[256];

		case NORMAL: // clients scr_concolor cvar color
			message[0] = 0x01;
		case GREEN: // Green
			message[0] = 0x04;
		default: // White, Red, Blue
			message[0] = 0x03;

	vformat(message[1], 251, msg, 4);

	replace_all(message, 191, "!n", "^x01")
	replace_all(message, 191, "!t", "^x03")
	replace_all(message, 191, "!g", "^x04")
	// Make sure message is not longer than 192 character. Will crash the server.
	message[192] = '^0';

	new team, ColorChange, index, MSG_Type;
		MSG_Type = MSG_ONE;
		index = id;
	} else {
		index = FindPlayer();
		MSG_Type = MSG_ALL;
	team = get_user_team(index);
	ColorChange = ColorSelection(index, MSG_Type, type);

	ShowColorMessage(index, MSG_Type, message);
		Team_Info(index, MSG_Type, TeamName[team]);

ShowColorMessage(id, type, message[])
	static bool:saytext_used;
	static get_user_msgid_saytext;
		get_user_msgid_saytext = get_user_msgid("SayText");
		saytext_used = true;
	message_begin(type, get_user_msgid_saytext, _, id);

Team_Info(id, type, team[])
	static bool:teaminfo_used;
	static get_user_msgid_teaminfo;
		get_user_msgid_teaminfo = get_user_msgid("TeamInfo");
		teaminfo_used = true;
	message_begin(type, get_user_msgid_teaminfo, _, id);

	return 1;

ColorSelection(index, type, Color:Type)
		case RED:
			return Team_Info(index, type, TeamName[1]);
		case BLUE:
			return Team_Info(index, type, TeamName[2]);
		case GREY:
			return Team_Info(index, type, TeamName[0]);

	return 0;

	new i = -1;

	while(i <= get_maxplayers())
			return i;

	return -1;

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define CT_MODEL "vip_ct"
#define T_MODEL "vip_t"

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("crommodels", "1.0", "OciXCrom")
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "OnPlayerSpawn", 1)

public plugin_precache()

public OnPlayerSpawn(id)
	if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_FLAG)
		cs_set_user_model(id, cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT ? CT_MODEL : T_MODEL)

precache_player_model(const szModel[])
    static szFile[128]
    formatex(szFile, charsmax(szFile), "models/player/%s/%s.mdl", szModel, szModel)
    replace(szFile, charsmax(szFile), ".mdl", "T.mdl")
Не знам защо не иска. Само промених флага, но не иска да стане, няма скинове. Идеи? Ако може го настрой на флаг "s" да е, уж това са моделите, пак не иска да тръгне... Нали няма някакви кварове? Сега отваря моделите.

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от OciXCrom » 04 Яну 2018, 21:11

Аз чак сега разбрах, че ползваш и двата плъгина наведнъж. Плъгинът за ВИП екстри ресетира скина при прераждане. Премахни cs_reset_user_model(id) от плъгина за ВИП екстри. Флага както виждаш и сам можеш да си го промениш.

Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 04 Яну 2018, 21:50

OciXCrom™ написа: 04 Яну 2018, 21:11 Аз чак сега разбрах, че ползваш и двата плъгина наведнъж. Плъгинът за ВИП екстри ресетира скина при прераждане. Премахни cs_reset_user_model(id) от плъгина за ВИП екстри. Флага както виждаш и сам можеш да си го промениш.
Не ги ползвам наведнъж, пробвах ги по отделно. Сега ще опитам тва дето ми каза и ще си редактирам мнението. Благодаря ти за помощта, ще си редактирам мнението след малко ,жив и здрав! :clap:

Добавено преди 22 минути 45 секунди:
OciXCrom™ написа: 04 Яну 2018, 21:11 Аз чак сега разбрах, че ползваш и двата плъгина наведнъж. Плъгинът за ВИП екстри ресетира скина при прераждане. Премахни cs_reset_user_model(id) от плъгина за ВИП екстри. Флага както виждаш и сам можеш да си го промениш.
Не иска отново.

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define PLUGIN_NAME "VIP Extras"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "2.2.1"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "OciXCrom"

#define MODELS_PATH "models/player"
#define SOUND_MENU "items/gunpickup2.wav"

new flag_vip, flag_skin, wait, maxhealth, maxmoney, menu_enabled, menu_maxuses, menu_spawn
new get_health, get_armor, health_amount, armor_amount, get_deagle, he_amount, flash_amount, smoke_amount, get_transparency, transparency_amount
new get_m4a1, get_ak47, get_awp, get_g3sg1, get_sg550, menu_m4a1, menu_ak47, menu_awp, menu_g3sg1, menu_sg550
new menu_health, menu_armor, menu_deagle, menu_transparency, menu_speed, menu_gravity, menu_moredamage
new get_skin_t, get_skin_ct, skin_name_t, skin_name_ct, get_speed, speed_amount, get_gravity, gravity_amount, get_moredamage, moredamage_multiplier
new killbonus_health_normal, killbonus_health_headshot, killbonus_money_normal, killbonus_money_headshot
new skin_t[32], skin_ct[32], menu_uses[33]
new bool:user_moredamage[33]

new bool:skin_t_active
new bool:skin_ct_active

new const szPrefix[] = "^4[^3VIP Extras^4]"

enum Color
	NORMAL = 1, // clients scr_concolor cvar color
	GREEN, // Green Color
	TEAM_COLOR, // Red, grey, blue
	GREY, // grey
	RED, // Red
	BLUE, // Blue

new TeamName[][] = 

public plugin_init()
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "player_spawn", 1)
	RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "player_damage")
	register_event("DeathMsg", "player_killed", "a")
	register_event("CurWeapon", "change_weapon", "be", "1=1")
	register_clcmd("say /vm", "vip_menu")
	register_clcmd("say_team /vm", "vip_menu")
	register_clcmd("say /vipmenu", "vip_menu")
	register_clcmd("say_team /vipmenu", "vip_menu")
	wait = register_cvar("ve_wait", "0.5")
	flag_vip = register_cvar("ve_vipflag", "o")
	flag_skin = register_cvar("ve_skinflag", "b")
	menu_enabled = register_cvar("ve_menu_enabled", "0")
	menu_maxuses = register_cvar("ve_menu_maxuses", "1")
	menu_spawn = register_cvar("ve_menu_spawn", "1")
	get_health = register_cvar("ve_get_health", "1")
	get_armor = register_cvar("ve_get_armor", "1")
	get_deagle = register_cvar("ve_get_deagle", "1")
	get_transparency = register_cvar("ve_get_transparency", "0")
	get_speed = register_cvar("ve_get_speed", "0")
	get_gravity = register_cvar("ve_get_gravity", "0")
	get_m4a1 = register_cvar("ve_get_m4a1", "0")
	get_ak47 = register_cvar("ve_get_ak47", "0")
	get_awp = register_cvar("ve_get_awp", "0")
	get_g3sg1 = register_cvar("ve_get_g3sg1", "0")
	get_sg550 = register_cvar("ve_get_sg550", "0")
	get_moredamage = register_cvar("ve_get_moredamage", "0")
	menu_health = register_cvar("ve_menu_health", "1")
	menu_armor = register_cvar("ve_menu_armor", "1")
	menu_deagle = register_cvar("ve_menu_deagle", "1")
	menu_transparency = register_cvar("ve_menu_transparency", "1")
	menu_speed = register_cvar("ve_menu_speed", "1")
	menu_gravity = register_cvar("ve_menu_gravity", "1")
	menu_m4a1 = register_cvar("ve_menu_m4a1", "1")
	menu_ak47 = register_cvar("ve_menu_ak47", "1")
	menu_awp = register_cvar("ve_menu_awp", "1")
	menu_g3sg1 = register_cvar("ve_menu_g3sg1", "1")
	menu_sg550 = register_cvar("ve_menu_sg550", "1")
	menu_moredamage = register_cvar("ve_menu_moredamage", "1")
	health_amount = register_cvar("ve_health_amount", "150")
	armor_amount = register_cvar("ve_armor_amount", "100")
	he_amount = register_cvar("ve_he_amount", "1")
	flash_amount = register_cvar("ve_flash_amount", "2")
	smoke_amount = register_cvar("ve_smoke_amount", "1")
	transparency_amount = register_cvar("ve_transparency_amount", "75")
	speed_amount = register_cvar("ve_speed_amount", "300.0")
	gravity_amount = register_cvar("ve_gravity_amount", "0.5")
	moredamage_multiplier = register_cvar("ve_moredamage_multiplier", "2")
	killbonus_health_normal = register_cvar("ve_killbonus_health_normal", "5")
	killbonus_health_headshot = register_cvar("ve_killbonus_health_headshot", "10")
	killbonus_money_normal = register_cvar("ve_killbonus_money_normal", "300")
	killbonus_money_headshot = register_cvar("ve_killbonus_money_headshot", "500")
	maxhealth = register_cvar("ve_max_health", "200")
	maxmoney = register_cvar("ve_max_money", "16000")

public change_weapon(id)
	if(user_has_flag(id, flag_vip) && get_pcvar_num(get_speed) == 1) set_user_maxspeed(id, get_pcvar_float(speed_amount))

public player_spawn(id)
		menu_uses[id] = 0
		user_moredamage[id] = false
		set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxNone, 0, 0, 0, kRenderNormal, 0)
		if(get_pcvar_num(menu_enabled) > 0 && get_pcvar_num(menu_spawn) == 1)
	set_task(get_pcvar_float(wait), "vip_set", id)

public vip_set(id)
	if(user_has_flag(id, flag_skin))
			case 1: if(skin_t_active) cs_set_user_model(id, skin_t)
			case 2: if(skin_ct_active) cs_set_user_model(id, skin_ct)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_enabled) == 1)
	if(user_has_flag(id, flag_vip))
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_health) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 0)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_armor) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 1)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_deagle) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 2)
		new he = get_pcvar_num(he_amount)
		new flash = get_pcvar_num(flash_amount)
		new smoke = get_pcvar_num(smoke_amount)
		if(he > 0)
			vip_equip(id, 3)
		if(flash > 0)
			vip_equip(id, 4)
		if(smoke > 0)
			vip_equip(id, 5)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_transparency) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 6)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_speed) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 7)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_gravity) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 8)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_m4a1) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 9)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_ak47) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 10)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_awp) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 11)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_g3sg1) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 12)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_sg550) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 13)
		if(get_pcvar_num(get_moredamage) == 1)
			vip_equip(id, 14)

public vip_equip(id, item)
		case 0: set_user_health(id, get_pcvar_num(health_amount))
		case 1: set_user_armor(id, get_pcvar_num(armor_amount))
		case 2:
			give_item(id, "weapon_deagle")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35)
		case 3:
			give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_HEGRENADE, get_pcvar_num(he_amount))
		case 4:
			give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_FLASHBANG, get_pcvar_num(flash_amount))
		case 5:
			give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_SMOKEGRENADE, get_pcvar_num(smoke_amount))
		case 6: set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxGlowShell, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransAlpha, get_pcvar_num(transparency_amount))
		case 7: set_user_maxspeed(id, get_pcvar_float(speed_amount))
		case 8: set_user_gravity(id, get_pcvar_float(gravity_amount))
		case 9:
			give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_M4A1, 90)
		case 10:
			give_item(id, "weapon_ak47")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AK47, 90)
		case 11:
			give_item(id, "weapon_awp")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AWP, 30)
		case 12:
			give_item(id, "weapon_g3sg1")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_G3SG1, 90)
		case 13:
			give_item(id, "weapon_sg550")
			cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_SG550, 90)
		case 14:
			user_moredamage[id] = true

public vip_menu(id)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_enabled) == 0)
		ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "%s ^1The ^4VIP Menu ^1is currently ^3disabled^1.", szPrefix)
	if(!user_has_flag(id, flag_vip))
		ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "%s ^1You have ^3no access ^1to this command.", szPrefix)
		ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "%s ^1You need to be ^3alive^1!", szPrefix)
	if(menu_uses[id] == get_pcvar_num(menu_maxuses))
		ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "%s ^1You can use the menu only ^4%i ^1time(s).", szPrefix, get_pcvar_num(menu_maxuses))
	new title[100], item[50]
	formatex(title, charsmax(title), "\yOciXCrom's \rCustom VIP Extras\d")
	new vipmenu = menu_create(title, "vipmenu_handler")
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_health) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Health Points \y(+%i)", get_pcvar_num(health_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "0", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_armor) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Armor Points \y(+%i)", get_pcvar_num(armor_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "1", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_deagle) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Deagle \y(Full Ammo)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "2", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(he_amount) > 0)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "He Grenade \y(%ix)", get_pcvar_num(he_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "3", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(flash_amount) > 0)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Flash Grenade \y(%ix)", get_pcvar_num(flash_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "4", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(smoke_amount) > 0)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Smoke Grenade \y(%ix)", get_pcvar_num(smoke_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "5", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_transparency) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Transparency \y(%i%)", get_pcvar_num(transparency_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "6", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_speed) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Faster Speed \y(%i)", get_pcvar_num(speed_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "7", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_gravity) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "Low Gravity \y(%f)", get_pcvar_float(gravity_amount))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "8", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_m4a1) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "M4A1 \y(Full Ammo)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "9", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_ak47) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "AK47 \y(Full Ammo)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "10", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_awp) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "AWP \y(Sniper)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "11", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_g3sg1) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "G3SG1 \y(Automatic Sniper)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "12", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_sg550) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "SG550 \y(Automatic Sniper)")
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "13", 0)
	if(get_pcvar_num(menu_moredamage) == 1)
		formatex(item, charsmax(item), "More Damage \y(%ix)", get_pcvar_num(moredamage_multiplier))
		menu_additem(vipmenu, item, "14", 0)
	menu_setprop(vipmenu, MPROP_EXITNAME, "\rClose the Menu")
	menu_setprop(vipmenu, MPROP_BACKNAME, "\rGo to the \yPrevious \rPage")
	menu_setprop(vipmenu, MPROP_NEXTNAME, "\rGo to the \yNext \rPage")
	menu_setprop(vipmenu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL)
	menu_display(id, vipmenu, 0)

public vipmenu_handler(id, vipmenu, item)
	if(item == MENU_EXIT)
	new data[6], iName[64], access, callback
	menu_item_getinfo(vipmenu, item, access, data, charsmax(data), iName, charsmax(iName), callback)

	new key = str_to_num(data)
	vip_equip(id, key)
	ColorChat(id, TEAM_COLOR, "%s ^1You have successfully used the ^3VIP Menu^1 (^4%i^1/^4%i^1)", szPrefix, menu_uses[id], get_pcvar_num(menu_maxuses))

public player_killed()
	new attacker = read_data(1)
	new victim = read_data(2)
	if(!is_user_connected(attacker) || !is_user_connected(victim) || attacker == victim || !user_has_flag(attacker, flag_vip))
	new headshot = read_data(3)
	new health = get_user_health(attacker)
	new money = cs_get_user_money(attacker)
	new reward_health = headshot ? get_pcvar_num(killbonus_health_headshot) : get_pcvar_num(killbonus_health_normal)
	new reward_money = headshot ? get_pcvar_num(killbonus_money_headshot) : get_pcvar_num(killbonus_money_normal)
	new health_max = get_pcvar_num(maxhealth)
	new money_max = get_pcvar_num(maxmoney)
	set_user_health(attacker, health + reward_health)
	cs_set_user_money(attacker, money + reward_money)
	if(get_user_health(attacker) > health_max) set_user_health(attacker, health_max)
	if(cs_get_user_money(attacker) > money_max) cs_set_user_money(attacker, money_max)

public player_damage(victim, inflictor, attacker, Float:damage, damage_bits)
		if(user_moredamage[attacker] && attacker != victim)
			SetHamParamFloat(4, damage * get_pcvar_float(moredamage_multiplier))

public plugin_precache()
	get_skin_t = register_cvar("ve_get_skin_t", "1")
	get_skin_ct = register_cvar("ve_get_skin_ct", "1")
	skin_name_t = register_cvar("ve_skin_name_t", "vip_t")
	skin_name_ct = register_cvar("ve_skin_name_ct", "vip_ct")

	skin_t_active = (get_pcvar_num(get_skin_t) == 1) ? true : false
	skin_ct_active = (get_pcvar_num(get_skin_ct) == 1) ? true : false
		new skin1[50]
		get_pcvar_string(skin_name_t, skin_t, charsmax(skin_t))
		formatex(skin1, charsmax(skin1), "%s/%s/%s.mdl", MODELS_PATH, skin_t, skin_t)
		new skin2[50]
		get_pcvar_string(skin_name_ct, skin_ct, charsmax(skin_ct))
		formatex(skin2, charsmax(skin2), "%s/%s/%s.mdl", MODELS_PATH, skin_ct, skin_ct)

stock user_has_flag(id, cvar)
	new flags[32]
	get_flags(get_user_flags(id), flags, charsmax(flags))
	new vip_flag[2]
	get_pcvar_string(cvar, vip_flag, charsmax(vip_flag))
	return (contain(flags, vip_flag) != -1) ? true : false

/* ======================================================================================================= */
/* ColorChat */
/* ======================================================================================================= */
ColorChat(id, Color:type, const msg[], {Float,Sql,Result,_}:...)
	if( !get_playersnum() ) return;
	new message[256];

		case NORMAL: // clients scr_concolor cvar color
			message[0] = 0x01;
		case GREEN: // Green
			message[0] = 0x04;
		default: // White, Red, Blue
			message[0] = 0x03;

	vformat(message[1], 251, msg, 4);

	replace_all(message, 191, "!n", "^x01")
	replace_all(message, 191, "!t", "^x03")
	replace_all(message, 191, "!g", "^x04")
	// Make sure message is not longer than 192 character. Will crash the server.
	message[192] = '^0';

	new team, ColorChange, index, MSG_Type;
		MSG_Type = MSG_ONE;
		index = id;
	} else {
		index = FindPlayer();
		MSG_Type = MSG_ALL;
	team = get_user_team(index);
	ColorChange = ColorSelection(index, MSG_Type, type);

	ShowColorMessage(index, MSG_Type, message);
		Team_Info(index, MSG_Type, TeamName[team]);

ShowColorMessage(id, type, message[])
	static bool:saytext_used;
	static get_user_msgid_saytext;
		get_user_msgid_saytext = get_user_msgid("SayText");
		saytext_used = true;
	message_begin(type, get_user_msgid_saytext, _, id);

Team_Info(id, type, team[])
	static bool:teaminfo_used;
	static get_user_msgid_teaminfo;
		get_user_msgid_teaminfo = get_user_msgid("TeamInfo");
		teaminfo_used = true;
	message_begin(type, get_user_msgid_teaminfo, _, id);

	return 1;

ColorSelection(index, type, Color:Type)
		case RED:
			return Team_Info(index, type, TeamName[1]);
		case BLUE:
			return Team_Info(index, type, TeamName[2]);
		case GREY:
			return Team_Info(index, type, TeamName[0]);

	return 0;

	new i = -1;

	while(i <= get_maxplayers())
			return i;

	return -1;
А ако сложа на Името на скиновете на: vip_ct.mdl & vip_t.mdl пак крашва сървъра
Прикачени файлове
999999999.png (2.99 KiB) Преглеждано 2811 пъти
999999999.png (2.99 KiB) Преглеждано 2811 пъти

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от OciXCrom » 04 Яну 2018, 22:45

Казах ти, че моделите не работят - това няма нищо общо с плъгина. Намери си работещи модели. След като махна реда, прекомпилира и замени ли плъгина? Как разбра, че не става, ако сървърът крашва когато сложиш плъгина за модели?!

Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 04 Яну 2018, 22:51

OciXCrom™ написа: 04 Яну 2018, 22:45 Казах ти, че моделите не работят - това няма нищо общо с плъгина. Намери си работещи модели. След като махна реда, прекомпилира и замени ли плъгина? Как разбра, че не става, ако сървърът крашва когато сложиш плъгина за модели?!
Да, прекомпилирах. Значи моделите си работят, отваря ми ги и дори вървят. И файла се казва "skin_ct.MDL", защото ако няма .MDL, ми го отчита като обикновен файл. Да го махна ли .МДЛ? Те ми качиха наново в свдл и се отварят. Защото от зип архива както ги изтеглих го сложих директно в папката и се водят като обикновенни файлове и им добавих накрая .mdl, след това се отвори. :)

Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 05 Яну 2018, 14:41

Последно промяна от OciXCrom на 05 Яну 2018, 15:32, променено общо 2 пъти.
Причина: Никой не е длъжен да стои цяла нощ преди монитора.

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от OciXCrom » 05 Яну 2018, 15:32

Аз още се мъча да разбера за какво става дума. Първо казваш, че плъгина не работи, после моделите не работят, после другия плъгин не работи. Може ли 1 по 1? Премахни всички плъгини и остави само този за моделите за да разбереш откъде идва проблемът.

Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 06 Яну 2018, 09:43

OciXCrom™ написа: 05 Яну 2018, 15:32 Аз още се мъча да разбера за какво става дума. Първо казваш, че плъгина не работи, после моделите не работят, после другия плъгин не работи. Може ли 1 по 1? Премахни всички плъгини и остави само този за моделите за да разбереш откъде идва проблемът.
Опитах директно на локален хост да пробвам, махнах всичко и скиновете работят. Но като сложа плъгина в ФТП и рестартирам - изобщо не ми зарежда, крашнал е сървъра.

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

L 01/06/2018 - 02:47:10: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 02:47:25: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_jeep_rally2
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:14: -------- Mapchange to cs_jeep_rally2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:14: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:14: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:14: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:15: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:15: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:07:15: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 03:07:30: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be aquapark_fun_v2
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:19: -------- Mapchange to aquapark_fun_v2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:19: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:19: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:19: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:20: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:20: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:27:20: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 03:27:35: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_eldorado
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:24: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:24: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:25: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:25: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:25: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:25: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:47:25: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 03:47:40: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats3
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:29: -------- Mapchange to de_rats3 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:29: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:30: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:30: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:30: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:30: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:07:30: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 04:07:46: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats_32
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: -------- Mapchange to de_rats_32 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:27:36: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 04:27:51: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_school_atack
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:40: -------- Mapchange to de_school_atack --------
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:40: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:40: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:40: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:41: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:41: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:47:41: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 04:47:56: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_mariobros
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:45: -------- Mapchange to de_mariobros --------
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:45: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:45: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:45: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:46: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:46: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:07:46: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 05:08:01: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be starwars
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:50: -------- Mapchange to starwars --------
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:27:51: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 05:28:06: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_carzzz
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:55: -------- Mapchange to cs_carzzz --------
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:47:56: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 05:48:11: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_jeep_rally2
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:00: -------- Mapchange to cs_jeep_rally2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:08:01: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 06:08:16: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be aquapark_fun_v2
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: -------- Mapchange to aquapark_fun_v2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:07: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:28:07: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 06:28:22: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_eldorado
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:11: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:11: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:12: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:12: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:48:12: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 06:48:27: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats3
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:16: -------- Mapchange to de_rats3 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:16: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:16: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:16: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:17: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:17: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:08:17: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 07:08:32: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats_32
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:21: -------- Mapchange to de_rats_32 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:21: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:22: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:22: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:28:22: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 07:28:37: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_school_atack
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: -------- Mapchange to de_school_atack --------
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:48:28: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 07:48:43: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_mariobros
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: -------- Mapchange to de_mariobros --------
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:08:33: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 08:08:48: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be starwars
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: -------- Mapchange to starwars --------
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:28:38: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 08:28:53: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_carzzz
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: -------- Mapchange to cs_carzzz --------
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:48:43: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 08:48:58: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_jeep_rally2
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: -------- Mapchange to cs_jeep_rally2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:08:48: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 09:09:03: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be aquapark_fun_v2
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:52: -------- Mapchange to aquapark_fun_v2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:52: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:52: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:52: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:53: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:53: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:28:53: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 09:29:08: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_eldorado
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:57: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:57: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:57: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:57: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:58: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:58: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:11: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:11: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:21: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:21: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:32: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:32: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:43: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:43: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:53: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:53: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:53: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:53: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:04: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:04: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:04: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:04: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:10: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:11: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:21: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:21: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:32: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:32: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:42: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:42: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:53: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:53: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:53: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:53: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:54: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:54: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:54: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:54: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:35:55: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:35:55: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:05: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:05: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:16: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:16: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:26: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:26: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:51: [admin.amxx] Login: "Opel is Love, Opel is Life<1><STEAM_0:0:191697292><>" became an admin (account "Opel is Love, Opel is Life") (access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv") (address "")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:26: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:26: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:26: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:26: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:36: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:36: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:36: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:36: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:47: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:47: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:47: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:47: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:48: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:48: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:48: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:48: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:12: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:12: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:12: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:12: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:23: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:23: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:23: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:23: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:33: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:33: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:34: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:34: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:44: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:44: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:44: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:44: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:55: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:55: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:55: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:55: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:05: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:05: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:05: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:06: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:16: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:16: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:16: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:16: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:17: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:17: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:17: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:17: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
По-надолу се вижда.
ЕДИТ: Сложих името накрая с .mdl и сървъра крашва. Като няма .МДЛ накрая в кода всичко си е ок и работи , но няма скинове. Някакви идеи?

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

- 00:28:44: [adminchat.amxx] [amx_asay] Opel is Love, Opel is Life : CS OG
L 01/06/2018 - 00:28:44: [adminchat.amxx] [amx_asay] Kapo Verde : are
L 01/06/2018 - 00:28:53: [adminchat.amxx] [amx_say] Opel is Love, Opel is Life : are da slushkate ako ima neshto - oplakvaniq ima vuv foruma
L 01/06/2018 - 00:46:39: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 00:46:54: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats3
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 00:48:43: -------- Mapchange to de_rats3 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 00:48:43: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 00:48:43: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 00:48:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 00:48:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 00:48:43: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 00:48:44: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:06:44: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 01:06:59: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats_32
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:08:48: -------- Mapchange to de_rats_32 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 01:08:48: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 01:08:48: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:08:48: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 01:08:48: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 01:08:49: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:08:49: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:26:49: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 01:27:04: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_school_atack
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:28:53: -------- Mapchange to de_school_atack --------
L 01/06/2018 - 01:28:53: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 01:28:53: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:28:54: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 01:28:54: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 01:28:54: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:28:54: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:46:54: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 01:47:10: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_mariobros
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:48:59: -------- Mapchange to de_mariobros --------
L 01/06/2018 - 01:48:59: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 01:48:59: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:48:59: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 01:48:59: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 01:48:59: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 01:48:59: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:07:00: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 02:07:15: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be starwars
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:09:04: -------- Mapchange to starwars --------
L 01/06/2018 - 02:09:04: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 02:09:04: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:09:04: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 02:09:04: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 02:09:04: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:09:04: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:27:05: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 02:27:20: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_carzzz
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:29:09: -------- Mapchange to cs_carzzz --------
L 01/06/2018 - 02:29:09: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 02:29:09: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:29:09: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 02:29:09: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 02:29:09: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:29:10: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:47:10: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 02:47:25: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_jeep_rally2
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:14: -------- Mapchange to cs_jeep_rally2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:14: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:14: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:14: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:14: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:15: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 02:49:15: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:07:15: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 03:07:30: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be aquapark_fun_v2
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:19: -------- Mapchange to aquapark_fun_v2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:19: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:19: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:19: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:19: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:20: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:09:20: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:27:20: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 03:27:35: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_eldorado
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:24: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:24: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:24: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:25: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:25: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:25: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:29:25: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:47:25: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 03:47:40: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats3
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:29: -------- Mapchange to de_rats3 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:29: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:29: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:30: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:30: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:30: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 03:49:30: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:07:30: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 04:07:46: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats_32
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: -------- Mapchange to de_rats_32 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:09:35: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:27:36: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 04:27:51: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_school_atack
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:40: -------- Mapchange to de_school_atack --------
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:40: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:40: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:40: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:40: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:41: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:29:41: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:47:41: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 04:47:56: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_mariobros
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:45: -------- Mapchange to de_mariobros --------
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:45: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:45: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:45: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:45: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:46: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 04:49:46: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:07:46: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 05:08:01: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be starwars
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:50: -------- Mapchange to starwars --------
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:09:51: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:27:51: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 05:28:06: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_carzzz
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:55: -------- Mapchange to cs_carzzz --------
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:29:56: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:47:56: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 05:48:11: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_jeep_rally2
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:00: -------- Mapchange to cs_jeep_rally2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 05:50:01: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:08:01: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 06:08:16: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be aquapark_fun_v2
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: -------- Mapchange to aquapark_fun_v2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:06: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:10:07: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:28:07: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 06:28:22: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_eldorado
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:11: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:11: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:11: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:12: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:30:12: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:48:12: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 06:48:27: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats3
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:16: -------- Mapchange to de_rats3 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:16: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:16: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:16: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:16: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:17: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 06:50:17: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:08:17: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 07:08:32: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats_32
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:21: -------- Mapchange to de_rats_32 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:21: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:21: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:22: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:10:22: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:28:22: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 07:28:37: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_school_atack
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: -------- Mapchange to de_school_atack --------
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:30:27: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:48:28: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 07:48:43: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_mariobros
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: -------- Mapchange to de_mariobros --------
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 07:50:32: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:08:33: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 08:08:48: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be starwars
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: -------- Mapchange to starwars --------
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:10:37: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:28:38: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 08:28:53: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_carzzz
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: -------- Mapchange to cs_carzzz --------
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:30:42: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:48:43: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 08:48:58: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_jeep_rally2
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: -------- Mapchange to cs_jeep_rally2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 08:50:47: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:08:48: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 09:09:03: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be aquapark_fun_v2
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:52: -------- Mapchange to aquapark_fun_v2 --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:52: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:52: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:52: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:52: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:53: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:10:53: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:28:53: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/06/2018 - 09:29:08: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_eldorado
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:57: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:57: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:57: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:57: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:57: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Loaded 7 admins from file
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:58: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:30:58: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:11: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:11: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:11: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:21: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:21: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:21: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:32: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:32: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:32: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:43: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:43: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:43: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:53: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:53: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:53: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:53: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:33:53: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:04: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:04: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:04: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:04: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:04: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:10: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:11: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:11: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:21: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:21: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:21: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:21: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:32: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:32: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:32: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:42: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:42: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:42: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:53: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:53: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:53: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:53: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:53: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Загружено 7 администраторов из файла
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:54: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:54: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Cmd_AddMallocCommand: "fullupdate" already defined
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:54: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Частота появления бегущей строки: 10:00 минут
L 01/06/2018 - 09:34:54: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:35:55: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:35:55: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:35:55: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:05: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:05: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:05: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:16: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:16: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:16: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:26: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:26: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:26: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Загружено 7 администраторов из файла
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Cmd_AddMallocCommand: "fullupdate" already defined
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Частота появления бегущей строки: 10:00 минут
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:27: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:36:51: [admin.amxx] Login: "Opel is Love, Opel is Life<1><STEAM_0:0:191697292><>" became an admin (account "Opel is Love, Opel is Life") (access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv") (address "")
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:26: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:26: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:26: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:26: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:26: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:36: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:36: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:36: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:36: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:36: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:47: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:47: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:47: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "crommodel.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:47: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:47: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:47: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Загружено 7 администраторов из файла
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:48: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:48: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Cmd_AddMallocCommand: "fullupdate" already defined
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:48: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Частота появления бегущей строки: 10:00 минут
L 01/06/2018 - 09:40:48: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:12: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:12: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:12: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:12: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:12: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:23: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:23: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:23: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:23: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:23: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:33: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:33: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:33: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:34: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:34: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:44: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:44: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:44: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:44: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:44: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:55: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:55: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:55: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:55: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:41:55: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:05: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:05: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:05: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:05: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:06: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
condebug enabled
Server IP address
   Metamod-r version Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ReHLDS Team (rebuild of original Metamod by Will Day and Jussi Kivilinna)
   Metamod-r comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `meta gpl'.
   This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
   under certain conditions; type `meta gpl' for details.
Metamod-r v1.3.0.104, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:08:55 Nov 19 2017
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/3ff4f67

   AMX Mod X version 1.8.3-Re Copyright (c) 2004-2016 AMX Mod X Development Team (modification ReHLDS Team)
   AMX Mod X comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `amxx gpl'.
   This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
   certain conditions; type 'amxx gpl' for details.
[ReAimDetector] Version: 0.2.0 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAimDetector] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'.
[WHB] Version: 1.5.695 Linux (Usage SSE 4.1)
[WHB] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
[WHB] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Version: 0.1.6 Linux 'Counter-Strike 1.6'
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Configuration executed.
[ReAuthCheck] Success: Build ReHLDS version defined Linux '1348'
ReGameDLL version:
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:16: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:16: [AMXX] Plugin file open error (plugin "admin_gag.amxx")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:16: [AMXX] Plugin "admin_gag_NO_STEAM.amx" failed to load: Plugin uses an unknown function (name "print_to_admins") - check your modules.ini.
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:16: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:16: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede.mdl" (Line 7 of new_weapons.ini)
Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File 
[AMXX] Загружено 7 администраторов из файла
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:17: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:17: [funmod.amxx] Fun Mod Startup :: Configuration File NOT FOUND [ Pausing Fun Mod ]
Cmd_AddMallocCommand: "fullupdate" already defined
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:17: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
Paused plugin "funmod.amxx"
[NadeModes] Executing config file ... 
[NadeModes] Settings loaded from config file 
[AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed 
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File 
Частота появления бегущей строки: 10:00 минут
L 01/06/2018 - 09:42:17: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC secure mode is activated.

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от OciXCrom » 06 Яну 2018, 14:44

Къде точно слагаш .mdl?

Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 06 Яну 2018, 15:04

OciXCrom™ написа: 06 Яну 2018, 14:44 Къде точно слагаш .mdl?
skin_name_t = register_cvar("ve_skin_name_t", "vip_t.mdl")
skin_name_ct = register_cvar("ve_skin_name_ct", "vip_ct.mdl")

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