Въпроси и проблеми свързани с AMXModX.
Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от OciXCrom » 06 Яну 2018, 15:09

Аз все едно си говоря със стената? Нали ти дадох друг код за скиновете? Защо ползваш скиновете в бъгнатия плъгин, и то заедно с другия плъгин за скинове?!

Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 06 Яну 2018, 15:16

Ползвам ги по отделно, опитах и с 2та.

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define CT_MODEL "vip_ct.mdl"
#define T_MODEL "vip_t.mdl"

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("crommodels", "1.0", "OciXCrom")
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "OnPlayerSpawn", 1)

public plugin_precache()

public OnPlayerSpawn(id)
	if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_FLAG)
		cs_set_user_model(id, cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT ? CT_MODEL : T_MODEL)

precache_player_model(const szModel[])
    static szFile[128]
    formatex(szFile, charsmax(szFile), "models/player/%s/%s.mdl", szModel, szModel)
    replace(szFile, charsmax(szFile), ".mdl", "T.mdl")
Ето така сървъра крашва.

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от OciXCrom » 06 Яну 2018, 15:18

Много ясно, че ще крашва. Като си добавил .mdl, пътят си го направил "models/player/vip_ct.mdl/vip_ct.mdl.mdl". Пишеш само и единствено името на модела. Казах ти да изключиш всички други плъгини и да оставиш само този, за да видиш дали скиновете ще работят.

Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 06 Яну 2018, 15:23

OciXCrom™ написа: 06 Яну 2018, 15:18 Много ясно, че ще крашва. Като си добавил .mdl, пътят си го направил "models/player/vip_ct.mdl/vip_ct.mdl.mdl". Пишеш само и единствено името на модела. Казах ти да изключиш всички други плъгини и да оставиш само този, за да видиш дали скиновете ще работят.
Опитах на локалхост и работеха, но като опитах с .мдл но не от фтп ами от друг сървър и работеше всичко, но добавих тогава .МДЛ. А като няма .мдл изобщо няма скинове. Опитах и от ФТП да махна плъгините, които съм добавил и пак няма скинове. В amx_plugins показва че плъгина работи
Последно промяна от Drea<M>40BG ;]] на 06 Яну 2018, 15:28, променено общо 1 път.

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от OciXCrom » 06 Яну 2018, 15:27

Плъгинът е тестван и работи. Кодът е достатъчно прост, предполагам и ти ще го разбереш. Скиновете са сложени на флаг "а" - ако нямаш флага, няма да ги имаш. .mdl не трябва да се добавя, то си е автоматично. Ако го добавиш ръчно, разваляш кода. Нямам какво повече да кажа.

Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 06 Яну 2018, 15:28

OciXCrom™ написа: 06 Яну 2018, 15:27 Плъгинът е тестван и работи. Кодът е достатъчно прост, предполагам и ти ще го разбереш. Скиновете са сложени на флаг "а" - ако нямаш флага, няма да ги имаш. .mdl не трябва да се добавя. Нямам какво повече да кажа.
Имам всички флагове.

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от OciXCrom » 06 Яну 2018, 17:26

Щом ги имаш, трябва да имаш и скина. Аз не виждам как мога да помогна вече. Плъгинът е тестван и работи, останалото зависи от теб. Погледни колко грешки имаш в логовете заради неправилна конфигурация на модели.

Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 07 Яну 2018, 10:17

OciXCrom™ написа: 06 Яну 2018, 17:26 Щом ги имаш, трябва да имаш и скина. Аз не виждам как мога да помогна вече. Плъгинът е тестван и работи, останалото зависи от теб. Погледни колко грешки имаш в логовете заради неправилна конфигурация на модели.
Това е малкия код и ето какво пише в амх_плъгинс за него:

unknown unknown unknown crommodel.amxx bad load
Просто, ако искаш по-бързо да стане, става ли да ти дам team viewer данни и да видиш къде е проблема.

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

L 01/07/2018 - 00:03:07: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 00:03:22: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_jeep_rally2
L 01/07/2018 - 00:05:12: -------- Mapchange to cs_jeep_rally2 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 00:05:12: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 00:05:12: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 00:05:12: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 00:23:13: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 00:23:28: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be aquapark_fun_v2
L 01/07/2018 - 00:25:17: -------- Mapchange to aquapark_fun_v2 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 00:25:17: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 00:25:17: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 00:25:18: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 00:43:18: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 00:43:33: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. Map aquapark_fun_v2 will be extended to next 15 minutes
L 01/07/2018 - 00:58:18: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 00:58:33: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_eldorado
L 01/07/2018 - 01:00:22: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/07/2018 - 01:00:23: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 01:00:23: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 01:00:23: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 01:18:24: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 01:18:39: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats3
L 01/07/2018 - 01:20:28: -------- Mapchange to de_rats3 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 01:20:28: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 01:20:28: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 01:20:29: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 01:38:29: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 01:38:44: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats_32
L 01/07/2018 - 01:40:33: -------- Mapchange to de_rats_32 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 01:40:34: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 01:40:34: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 01:40:34: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 01:58:35: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 01:58:50: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_school_atack
L 01/07/2018 - 02:00:39: -------- Mapchange to de_school_atack --------
L 01/07/2018 - 02:00:39: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 02:00:39: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 02:00:40: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 02:18:40: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 02:18:56: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_mariobros
L 01/07/2018 - 02:20:45: -------- Mapchange to de_mariobros --------
L 01/07/2018 - 02:20:45: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 02:20:45: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 02:20:45: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 02:38:46: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 02:39:01: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be starwars
L 01/07/2018 - 02:40:50: -------- Mapchange to starwars --------
L 01/07/2018 - 02:40:50: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 02:40:50: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 02:40:51: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 02:58:51: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 02:59:06: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_carzzz
L 01/07/2018 - 03:00:55: -------- Mapchange to cs_carzzz --------
L 01/07/2018 - 03:00:55: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 03:00:55: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 03:00:56: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 03:18:56: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 03:19:11: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_jeep_rally2
L 01/07/2018 - 03:21:01: -------- Mapchange to cs_jeep_rally2 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 03:21:01: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 03:21:01: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 03:21:01: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 03:39:02: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 03:39:17: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be aquapark_fun_v2
L 01/07/2018 - 03:41:06: -------- Mapchange to aquapark_fun_v2 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 03:41:06: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 03:41:06: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 03:41:07: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 03:59:07: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 03:59:22: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_eldorado
L 01/07/2018 - 04:01:11: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/07/2018 - 04:01:12: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 04:01:12: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 04:01:12: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 04:19:12: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 04:19:28: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats3
L 01/07/2018 - 04:21:17: -------- Mapchange to de_rats3 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 04:21:17: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 04:21:17: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 04:21:17: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 04:39:18: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 04:39:33: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats_32
L 01/07/2018 - 04:41:22: -------- Mapchange to de_rats_32 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 04:41:22: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 04:41:22: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 04:41:23: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 04:59:23: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 04:59:38: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_school_atack
L 01/07/2018 - 05:01:28: -------- Mapchange to de_school_atack --------
L 01/07/2018 - 05:01:28: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 05:01:28: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 05:01:28: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 05:19:29: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 05:19:44: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_mariobros
L 01/07/2018 - 05:21:33: -------- Mapchange to de_mariobros --------
L 01/07/2018 - 05:21:33: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 05:21:33: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 05:21:34: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 05:39:34: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 05:39:49: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be starwars
L 01/07/2018 - 05:41:38: -------- Mapchange to starwars --------
L 01/07/2018 - 05:41:38: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 05:41:38: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 05:41:39: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 05:59:39: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 05:59:54: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_carzzz
L 01/07/2018 - 06:01:44: -------- Mapchange to cs_carzzz --------
L 01/07/2018 - 06:01:44: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 06:01:44: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 06:01:44: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 06:19:45: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 06:20:00: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_jeep_rally2
L 01/07/2018 - 06:21:49: -------- Mapchange to cs_jeep_rally2 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 06:21:49: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 06:21:49: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 06:21:50: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 06:39:50: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 06:40:05: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be aquapark_fun_v2
L 01/07/2018 - 06:41:54: -------- Mapchange to aquapark_fun_v2 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 06:41:54: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 06:41:54: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 06:41:55: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 06:59:55: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 07:00:11: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_eldorado
L 01/07/2018 - 07:02:00: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/07/2018 - 07:02:00: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 07:02:00: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 07:02:00: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 07:20:01: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 07:20:16: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats3
L 01/07/2018 - 07:22:05: -------- Mapchange to de_rats3 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 07:22:05: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 07:22:05: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 07:22:06: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 07:40:06: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 07:40:21: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_rats_32
L 01/07/2018 - 07:42:10: -------- Mapchange to de_rats_32 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 07:42:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 07:42:11: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 07:42:11: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 08:00:12: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 08:00:27: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_school_atack
L 01/07/2018 - 08:02:16: -------- Mapchange to de_school_atack --------
L 01/07/2018 - 08:02:16: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 08:02:16: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 08:02:17: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 08:20:17: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 08:20:32: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_mariobros
L 01/07/2018 - 08:22:22: -------- Mapchange to de_mariobros --------
L 01/07/2018 - 08:22:22: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 08:22:22: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 08:22:22: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 08:40:23: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 08:40:38: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be starwars
L 01/07/2018 - 08:42:27: -------- Mapchange to starwars --------
L 01/07/2018 - 08:42:27: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 08:42:27: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 08:42:28: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 09:00:28: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 09:00:43: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_carzzz
L 01/07/2018 - 09:02:32: -------- Mapchange to cs_carzzz --------
L 01/07/2018 - 09:02:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 09:02:32: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 09:02:33: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 09:20:33: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 09:20:48: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be cs_jeep_rally2
L 01/07/2018 - 09:22:37: -------- Mapchange to cs_jeep_rally2 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 09:22:38: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 09:22:38: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 09:22:38: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 09:40:38: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 09:40:54: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be aquapark_fun_v2
L 01/07/2018 - 09:42:43: -------- Mapchange to aquapark_fun_v2 --------
L 01/07/2018 - 09:42:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 09:42:43: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 09:42:43: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 10:00:44: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap started
L 01/07/2018 - 10:00:59: [mapchooser.amxx] Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be de_eldorado
L 01/07/2018 - 10:02:48: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/07/2018 - 10:02:48: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:02:48: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:02:49: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 10:09:59: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/07/2018 - 10:10:00: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:10:00: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:10:00: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:10:00: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:10:00: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 10:11:00: [admin.amxx] Login: "Opel is Love, Opel is Life<1><STEAM_0:0:191697292><>" became an admin (account "Opel is Love, Opel is Life") (access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv") (address "")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:12:37: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/07/2018 - 10:12:37: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:12:37: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:12:38: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:12:38: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:12:38: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 10:12:39: [admin.amxx] Login: "Opel is Love, Opel is Life<1><STEAM_0:0:191697292><>" became an admin (account "Opel is Love, Opel is Life") (access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv") (address "")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:12:52: [plmenu_ab_base.amxx] Cmd: "Opel is Love, Opel is Life<1><STEAM_0:0:191697292><>" transfer "Opel is Love, Opel is Life<1><STEAM_0:0:191697292><>" (team "CT")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:13:29: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/07/2018 - 10:13:29: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:13:29: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:13:30: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:13:30: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:13:30: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 10:13:32: [admin.amxx] Login: "Opel is Love, Opel is Life<1><STEAM_0:0:191697292><>" became an admin (account "Opel is Love, Opel is Life") (access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv") (address "")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:14:18: [plmenu_ab_base.amxx] Cmd: "Opel is Love, Opel is Life<1><STEAM_0:0:191697292><>" transfer "Opel is Love, Opel is Life<1><STEAM_0:0:191697292><>" (team "CT")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:14: -------- Mapchange to de_eldorado --------
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:14: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:14: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:14: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/admincmd.txt" key "#include <colorchat>" lang "")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:14: New section, unterminated block (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/nademodes.txt" key "NADE_HTML :" lang "da")
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:14: [ReAimDetector] Error: do not set 'AimSens' in ad_set_cfg.
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:16: [admin.amxx] Login: "Opel is Love, Opel is Life<1><STEAM_0:0:191697292><>" became an admin (account "Opel is Love, Opel is Life") (access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv") (address "")

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от OciXCrom » 07 Яну 2018, 13:49

След 5 страници, чак сега ми казваш, че пише bad load. Щом пише това, плъгинът не е добавен както трябва или не е компилиран под подходяща АМХХ версия.
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:14: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:14: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
Тези неща защо ги игнорираш? Точно и ясно ти пише какъв е проблемът.

Drea<M>40BG ;]]
Извън линия
Мнения: 750
Регистриран на: 11 Окт 2016, 11:35
Се отблагодари: 115 пъти
Получена благодарност: 63 пъти
Обратна връзка:


Мнение от Drea<M>40BG ;]] » 07 Яну 2018, 14:41

OciXCrom™ написа: 07 Яну 2018, 13:49 След 5 страници, чак сега ми казваш, че пише bad load. Щом пише това, плъгинът не е добавен както трябва или не е компилиран под подходяща АМХХ версия.
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:14: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_knife.mdl" (Line 2 of new_weapons.ini)
L 01/07/2018 - 10:15:14: [GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx] File Inexistent: "models/new/v_hegranede2.mdl" (Line 8 of new_weapons.ini)
Тези неща защо ги игнорираш? Точно и ясно ти пише какъв е проблемът.
Скиновете си работят, какво значи това? Ем компилирах ги с ReHLDS темата на Администратор във форума, има тема. Компилирах от папката "windows" , защото от Linux не знам как. То преди беше си работило, но май наистина - като добавих новите скинове излезна bad lоад, преди беше running. Сега ще видя какъв е проблемът със скиновете.
ЕДИТ: Оправих тези проблеми, просто имената на скиновете и това, което пише в .ини файла не съвпадаха. Сега отново пише BAD LOAD на плъгина.
Кода, който компилирах:

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define CT_MODEL "vip_ct"
#define T_MODEL "vip_t"

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("crommodels", "1.0", "OciXCrom")
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "OnPlayerSpawn", 1)

public plugin_precache()

public OnPlayerSpawn(id)
	if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_FLAG)
		cs_set_user_model(id, cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT ? CT_MODEL : T_MODEL)

precache_player_model(const szModel[])
    static szFile[128]
    formatex(szFile, charsmax(szFile), "models/player/%s/%s.mdl", szModel, szModel)
    replace(szFile, charsmax(szFile), ".mdl", "T.mdl")

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