Редактиране на amx_gagmenu

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Pach0nkata ;]
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Мнения: 19
Регистриран на: 26 Дек 2016, 12:45
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Редактиране на amx_gagmenu

Мнение от Pach0nkata ;] » 09 Ное 2020, 21:25

Добър вечер, някои може ли да ми направи amx_gagmenu следния флаг "b".
Прикачени файлове
(17.54 KiB) Свалено 131 пъти
(17.54 KiB) Свалено 131 пъти
Продавам изгодно phpbb style h2o - https://imgur.com/2HLDBVM
Discord - Pach0nkata#3155

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Регистриран на: 22 Мар 2018, 15:06
Се отблагодари: 37 пъти
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Редактиране на amx_gagmenu

Мнение от atmax » 09 Ное 2020, 21:37

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < engine >

#define DEFAULT_TIME 600.0 // In Seconds

enum ( <<= 1 ) {
	GAG_CHAT = 1,

enum _:GagData {
	GAG_AUTHID[ 35 ],

new g_szAuthid[ 33 ][ 35 ]; // STEAM_0:X:XXXXXXXX
new g_iThinker, g_iGagged;
new bool:g_bColoredMenus, Trie:g_tArrayPos, Array:g_aGagData, Array:g_aGagTimes, g_iTotalGagTimes;
new g_iMenuOption[ 33 ], g_iMenuPosition[ 33 ], g_iMenuPlayers[ 33 ][ 32 ], g_iMenuFlags[ 33 ];

public plugin_init( ) {
	register_plugin( "AMXX Gag", "1.3", "xPaw & Exolent" );
	register_clcmd( "say",        "CmdSay" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team",   "CmdTeamSay" );
	register_concmd( "amx_gag",       "CmdGagPlayer",   ADMIN_RESERVATION, "<nick or #userid> <time> <a|b|c>" );
	register_concmd( "amx_ungag",     "CmdUnGagPlayer", ADMIN_RESERVATION, "<nick or #userid>" );
	register_concmd( "amx_gagmenu",   "CmdGagMenu",     ADMIN_RESERVATION, "- displays gag menu" );
	register_srvcmd( "amx_gag_times", "CmdSetBanTimes" );
	register_menu( "Gag Menu", 1023, "ActionGagMenu" );
	register_menu( "Gag Flags", 1023, "ActionGagFlags" );
	register_message( get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), "MessageSayText" );
	g_tArrayPos = TrieCreate( );
	g_aGagData  = ArrayCreate( GagData );
	g_aGagTimes = ArrayCreate( );
	g_bColoredMenus = bool:colored_menus( );
	// this is used for ungag in the menu
	ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 0 );
	// Gag times for the gag menu (amx_gagmenu)
	// Default values: 60 300 600 1800 3600 7200 86400
	// Load up standart times
	ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 60 );
	ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 300 );
	ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 600 );
	ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 1800 );
	ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 3600 );
	ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 7200 );
	ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 86400 );
	g_iTotalGagTimes = ArraySize( g_aGagTimes );
	// Set up entity-thinker
	new const szClassname[ ] = "gag_thinker";
	g_iThinker = create_entity( "info_target" );
	entity_set_string( g_iThinker, EV_SZ_classname, szClassname );
	register_think( szClassname, "FwdThink" );

public CmdSetBanTimes( ) {
	new iArgs = read_argc( );
	if( iArgs <= 1 ) {
		server_print( "Usage: amx_gag_times <time1> [time2] [time3] ..." );
	ArrayClear( g_aGagTimes );
	// this is used for ungag in the menu
	ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, 0 );
	new szBuffer[ 32 ], iTime;
	for( new i = 1; i < iArgs; i++ ) {
		read_argv( i, szBuffer, 31 );
		if( !is_str_num( szBuffer ) ) {
			server_print( "[AMXX GAG] Time must be an integer!" );
		iTime = str_to_num( szBuffer );
		if( iTime <= 0 ) {
			server_print( "[AMXX GAG] Time must be greater than 0!" );
		if( iTime > 86400 ) {
			server_print( "[AMXX GAG] Time more then 86400 is not allowed!" );
		ArrayPushCell( g_aGagTimes, iTime );
	g_iTotalGagTimes = ArraySize( g_aGagTimes );

public plugin_end( ) {
	TrieDestroy( g_tArrayPos );
	ArrayDestroy( g_aGagData );
	ArrayDestroy( g_aGagTimes );

public client_putinserver( id ) {
	if( CheckGagFlag( id, GAG_VOICE ) )
		set_speak( id, SPEAK_MUTED );
	// default flags to "abc"
	g_iMenuFlags[ id ] = GAG_CHAT | GAG_TEAMSAY | GAG_VOICE;

public client_authorized( id )
	get_user_authid( id, g_szAuthid[ id ], 34 );

public client_disconnect( id ) {
	if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szAuthid[ id ] ) ) {
		new szName[ 32 ];
		get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
		new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum, iPlayer;
		get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ch" );
		for( new i; i < iNum; i++ ) {
			iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
			if( get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & ADMIN_KICK )
				client_print( iPlayer, print_chat, "[AMXX] Gagged player ^"%s<%s>^" has disconnected!", szName, g_szAuthid[ id ] );
	g_szAuthid[ id ][ 0 ] = '^0';

public client_infochanged( id ) {
	if( !CheckGagFlag( id, ( GAG_CHAT | GAG_TEAMSAY ) ) )
	static const name[ ] = "name";
	static szNewName[ 32 ], szOldName[ 32 ];
	get_user_info( id, name, szNewName, 31 );
	get_user_name( id, szOldName, 31 );
	if( !equal( szNewName, szOldName ) ) {
		client_print( id, print_chat, "[AMXX] Gagged players cannot change their names!" );
		set_user_info( id, name, szOldName );

public MessageSayText( ) {
	static const Cstrike_Name_Change[ ] = "#Cstrike_Name_Change";
	new szMessage[ sizeof( Cstrike_Name_Change ) + 1 ];
	get_msg_arg_string( 2, szMessage, sizeof( szMessage ) - 1 );
	if( equal( szMessage, Cstrike_Name_Change ) ) {
		new szName[ 32 ], id;
		for( new i = 3; i <= 4; i++ ) {
			get_msg_arg_string( i, szName, 31 );
			id = get_user_index( szName );
			if( is_user_connected( id ) ) {
				if( CheckGagFlag( id, ( GAG_CHAT | GAG_TEAMSAY ) ) )
					return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public FwdThink( const iEntity ) {
	if( !g_iGagged )
	new Float:fGametime;
	fGametime = get_gametime( );
	new data[ GagData ], id, szName[ 32 ];
	for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ ) {
		ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
		if( ( Float:data[ GAG_START ] + Float:data[ GAG_TIME ] - 0.5 ) <= fGametime ) {
			id = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_AUTHID ] );
			if( is_user_connected( id ) ) {
				get_user_name( id, szName, 31 );
				client_print( 0, print_chat, "[AMXX] Player ^"%s^" is no longer gagged.", szName );
			DeleteGag( i );
	if( !g_iGagged )
	new Float:flNextTime = 999999.9;
	for( new i = 0; i < g_iGagged; i++ ) {
		ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
		flNextTime = floatmin( flNextTime, Float:data[ GAG_START ] + Float:data[ GAG_TIME ] );
	entity_set_float( iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, flNextTime );

public CmdSay( const id )
	return CheckSay( id, 0 );

public CmdTeamSay( const id )
	return CheckSay( id, 1 );

CheckSay( const id, const bTeam ) {
	new iArrayPos;
	if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szAuthid[ id ], iArrayPos ) ) {
		new data[ GagData ];
		ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
		new const iFlags[ ] = { GAG_CHAT, GAG_TEAMSAY };
		if( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & iFlags[ bTeam ] ) {
			new szInfo[ 32 ], iLen, iTime = floatround( ( Float:data[ GAG_START ] + Float:data[ GAG_TIME ] ) - get_gametime( ) ), iMinutes = iTime / 60, iSeconds = iTime % 60;
			if( iMinutes > 0 )
				iLen = formatex( szInfo, 31, "%i minute%s", iMinutes, iMinutes == 1 ? "" : "s" );
			if( iSeconds > 0 )
				formatex( szInfo[ iLen ], 31 - iLen, "%s%i second%s", iLen ? " and " : "", iSeconds, iSeconds == 1 ? "" : "s" );
			client_print( id, print_chat, "[AMXX] %s left before your ungag!", szInfo );
			client_print( id, print_center, "** You are gagged from%s chat! **", bTeam ? " team" : "" );

public CmdGagPlayer( const id, const iLevel, const iCid ) {
	if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 2 ) ) {
		console_print( id, "Flags: a - Chat | b - Team Chat | c - Voice communications" );
	new szArg[ 32 ];
	read_argv( 1, szArg, 31 );
	new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, szArg, CMDTARGET_OBEY_IMMUNITY | CMDTARGET_NO_BOTS );
	if( !iPlayer )
	new szName[ 20 ];
	get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 19 );
	if( TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szAuthid[ iPlayer ] ) ) {
		console_print( id, "User ^"%s^" is already gagged!", szName );
	new szFlags[ 4 ], Float:flGagTime;
	read_argv( 2, szArg, 31 );
	if( !szArg[ 0 ] ) { // No time entered
		flGagTime = DEFAULT_TIME;
		formatex( szFlags, 3, "abc" );
	} else {
		if( is_str_num( szArg ) ) { // Seconds entered
			flGagTime = floatstr( szArg );
			if( flGagTime > 86400.0 )
				flGagTime = 86400.0;
		} else {
			console_print( id, "The value must be in seconds!" );
		read_argv( 3, szArg, 31 );
		if( !szArg[ 0 ] ) // No flag entered
			formatex( szFlags, 3, "abc" );
			formatex( szFlags, 3, szArg );
	new iFlags = read_flags( szFlags );
	new data[ GagData ];
	data[ GAG_START ] = _:get_gametime( );
	data[ GAG_TIME ]  = _:flGagTime;
	data[ GAG_FLAGS ] = iFlags;
	copy( data[ GAG_AUTHID ], 34, g_szAuthid[ iPlayer ] );
	TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szAuthid[ iPlayer ], g_iGagged );
	ArrayPushArray( g_aGagData, data );
	new szFrom[ 64 ];
	if( iFlags & GAG_CHAT )
		formatex( szFrom, 63, "say" );
	if( iFlags & GAG_TEAMSAY ) {
		if( !szFrom[ 0 ] )
			formatex( szFrom, 63, "say_team" );
			format( szFrom, 63, "%s / say_team", szFrom );
	if( iFlags & GAG_VOICE ) {
		set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_MUTED );
		if( !szFrom[ 0 ] )
			formatex( szFrom, 63, "voicecomm" );
			format( szFrom, 63, "%s / voicecomm", szFrom );
	new Float:flGametime = get_gametime( ), Float:flNextThink;
	flNextThink = entity_get_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink );
	if( !flNextThink || flNextThink > ( flGametime + flGagTime ) )
		entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, flGametime + flGagTime );
	new szInfo[ 32 ], szAdmin[ 20 ], iTime = floatround( flGagTime ), iMinutes = iTime / 60, iSeconds = iTime % 60;
	get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 19 );
	if( !iMinutes )
		formatex( szInfo, 31, "%i second%s", iSeconds, iSeconds == 1 ? "" : "s" );
		formatex( szInfo, 31, "%i minute%s", iMinutes, iMinutes == 1 ? "" : "s" );
	show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has gagged %s from speaking for %s! (%s)", szName, szInfo, szFrom );
	console_print( id, "You have gagged ^"%s^" (%s) !", szName, szFrom );
	log_amx( "Gag: ^"%s<%s>^" has gagged ^"%s<%s>^" for %i minutes. (%s)", szAdmin, g_szAuthid[ id ], szName, g_szAuthid[ iPlayer ], floatround( flGagTime / 60 ), szFrom );

public CmdUnGagPlayer( const id, const iLevel, const iCid ) {
	if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 2 ) )
	new szArg[ 32 ];
	read_argv( 1, szArg, 31 );
	if( equali( szArg, "@all" ) ) {
		if( !g_iGagged ) {
			console_print( id, "No gagged players!" );
		while( g_iGagged ) DeleteGag( 0 ); // Excellent by Exolent
		if( entity_get_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink ) > 0.0 )
			entity_set_float( g_iThinker, EV_FL_nextthink, 0.0 );
		console_print( id, "You have ungagged all players!" );
		new szAdmin[ 32 ];
		get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
		show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has ungagged all players." );
		log_amx( "UnGag: ^"%s<%s>^" has ungagged all players.", szAdmin, g_szAuthid[ id ] );
	new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, szArg, CMDTARGET_OBEY_IMMUNITY | CMDTARGET_NO_BOTS );
	if( !iPlayer )
	new szName[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 31 );
	new iArrayPos;
	if( !TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szAuthid[ iPlayer ], iArrayPos ) ) {
		console_print( id, "User ^"%s^" is not gagged!", szName );
	DeleteGag( iArrayPos );
	new szAdmin[ 32 ];
	get_user_name( id, szAdmin, 31 );
	show_activity( id, szAdmin, "Has ungagged %s.", szName );
	console_print( id, "You have ungagged ^"%s^" !", szName );
	log_amx( "UnGag: ^"%s<%s>^" has ungagged ^"%s<%s>^"", szAdmin, g_szAuthid[ id ], szName, g_szAuthid[ iPlayer ] );

public CmdGagMenu( const id, const iLevel, const iCid ) {
	if( !cmd_access( id, iLevel, iCid, 1 ) )
	g_iMenuOption[ id ] = 0;
	arrayset( g_iMenuPlayers[ id ], 0, 32 );
	DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] = 0 );

#define PERPAGE 6

public ActionGagMenu( const id, const iKey ) {
	switch( iKey ) {
		case 6: DisplayGagFlags( id );
		case 7: {
			++g_iMenuOption[ id ];
			g_iMenuOption[ id ] %= g_iTotalGagTimes;
			DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
		case 8: DisplayGagMenu( id, ++g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
		case 9: DisplayGagMenu( id, --g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
		default: {
			new iPlayer = g_iMenuPlayers[ id ][ g_iMenuPosition[ id ] * PERPAGE + iKey ];
			if( !g_iMenuOption[ id ] )
				client_cmd( id, "amx_ungag #%i", get_user_userid( iPlayer ) );
			else {
				new szFlags[ 4 ];
				get_flags( g_iMenuFlags[ id ], szFlags, 3 );
				client_cmd( id, "amx_gag #%i %i %s", get_user_userid( iPlayer ), ArrayGetCell( g_aGagTimes, g_iMenuOption[ id ] ), szFlags );
			DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );

// I just copied this from AMXX Ban menu, so don't blame me :D
DisplayGagMenu( const id, iPosition ) {
	if( iPosition < 0 ) {
		arrayset( g_iMenuPlayers[ id ], 0, 32 );
	new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum, iCount, szMenu[ 512 ], iPlayer, iFlags, szName[ 32 ];
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "ch" ); // Ignore bots and hltv
	new iStart = iPosition * PERPAGE;
	if( iStart >= iNum )
		iStart = iPosition = g_iMenuPosition[ id ] = 0;
	new iEnd = iStart + PERPAGE, iKeys = MENU_KEY_0 | MENU_KEY_8;
	new iLen = formatex( szMenu, 511, g_bColoredMenus ? "\rGag Menu\R%i/%i^n^n" : "Gag Menu %i/%i^n^n", iPosition + 1, ( ( iNum + PERPAGE - 1 ) / PERPAGE ) );
	new bool:bUngag = bool:!g_iMenuOption[ id ];
	if( iEnd > iNum ) iEnd = iNum;
	for( new i = iStart; i < iEnd; ++i ) {
		iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
		iFlags  = get_user_flags( iPlayer );
		get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, 31 );
		if( iPlayer == id || ( iFlags & ADMIN_RESERVATION ) || bUngag != TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szAuthid[ iPlayer ] ) ) {
			if( g_bColoredMenus )
				iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\d%i. %s^n", iCount, szName );
				iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "#. %s^n", szName );
		} else {
			iKeys |= ( 1 << iCount );
			iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColoredMenus ? "\r%i.\w %s\y%s\r%s^n" : "%i. %s%s%s^n", iCount, szName, TrieKeyExists( g_tArrayPos, g_szAuthid[ iPlayer ] ) ? " GAGGED" : "", ( ~iFlags & ADMIN_USER ? " *" : "" ) );
	g_iMenuPlayers[ id ] = iPlayers;
	new szFlags[ 4 ];
	get_flags( g_iMenuFlags[ id ], szFlags, 3 );
	iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColoredMenus ? ( bUngag ? "^n\d7. Flags: %s" : "^n\r7.\y Flags:\w %s" ) : ( bUngag ? "^n#. Flags: %s" : "^n7. Flags: %s" ), szFlags );
	if( !bUngag )
		iKeys |= MENU_KEY_7;
		new iSeconds = ArrayGetCell( g_aGagTimes, g_iMenuOption[ id ] );
		new iTime    = iSeconds / 60;
		iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColoredMenus ? "^n\r8.\y Time:\w %i %s^n" : "^n8. Gag for %i %s^n", ( iSeconds > 60 ? iTime : iSeconds ), ( iSeconds > 60 ? "minutes" : "seconds" ) );
		iLen += copy( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColoredMenus ? "^n\r8.\w Ungag^n" : "^n8. Ungag^n" );
	if( iEnd != iNum ) {
		formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColoredMenus ? "^n\r9.\w More...^n\r0.\w %s" : "^n9. More...^n0. %s", iPosition ? "Back" : "Exit" );
		iKeys |= MENU_KEY_9;
	} else
		formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColoredMenus ? "^n\r0.\w %s" : "^n0. %s", iPosition ? "Back" : "Exit" );
	show_menu( id, iKeys, szMenu, -1, "Gag Menu" );

public ActionGagFlags( const id, const iKey ) {
	switch( iKey ) {
		case 9: DisplayGagMenu( id, g_iMenuPosition[ id ] );
		default: {
			g_iMenuFlags[ id ] ^= ( 1 << iKey );
			DisplayGagFlags( id );

DisplayGagFlags( const id ) {
	new szMenu[ 512 ];
	new iLen = copy( szMenu, 511, g_bColoredMenus ? "\rGag Flags^n^n" : "Gag Flags^n^n" );
	if( g_bColoredMenus ) {
		iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\r1.\w Chat: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_CHAT ) ? "\yYES" : "\rNO" );
		iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\r2.\w TeamSay: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_TEAMSAY ) ? "\yYES" : "\rNO" );
		iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "\r3.\w Voice: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_VOICE ) ? "\yYES" : "\rNO" );
	} else {
		iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "1. Chat: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_CHAT ) ? "YES" : "NO" );
		iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "2. TeamSay: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_TEAMSAY ) ? "YES" : "NO" );
		iLen += formatex( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, "3. Voice: %s^n", ( g_iMenuFlags[ id ] & GAG_VOICE ) ? "YES" : "NO" );
	copy( szMenu[ iLen ], 511 - iLen, g_bColoredMenus ? "^n\r0. \wBack to Gag Menu" : "^n0. Back to Gag Menu" );
	show_menu( id, ( MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2 | MENU_KEY_3 | MENU_KEY_0 ), szMenu, -1, "Gag Flags" );

CheckGagFlag( const id, const iFlag ) {
	new iArrayPos;
	if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, g_szAuthid[ id ], iArrayPos ) ) {
		new data[ GagData ];
		ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
		return ( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & iFlag );
	return 0;

DeleteGag( const iArrayPos ) {
	new data[ GagData ];
	ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, iArrayPos, data );
	if( data[ GAG_FLAGS ] & GAG_VOICE ) {
		new iPlayer = find_player( "c", data[ GAG_AUTHID ] );
		if( is_user_connected( iPlayer ) )
			set_speak( iPlayer, SPEAK_NORMAL );
	TrieDeleteKey( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_AUTHID ] );
	ArrayDeleteItem( g_aGagData, iArrayPos );
	for( new i = iArrayPos; i < g_iGagged; i++ ) {
		ArrayGetArray( g_aGagData, i, data );
		TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, data[ GAG_AUTHID ], i );
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1033\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
Rest in peace my friend I always will remember you! 🖤👊

Pach0nkata ;]
Извън линия
Мнения: 19
Регистриран на: 26 Дек 2016, 12:45
Местоположение: Плевен
Получена благодарност: 1 път
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Редактиране на amx_gagmenu

Мнение от Pach0nkata ;] » 09 Ное 2020, 21:49

Неработи нещо ;/ Пише че нямам acces
Продавам изгодно phpbb style h2o - https://imgur.com/2HLDBVM
Discord - Pach0nkata#3155

Извън линия
Мнения: 1810
Регистриран на: 27 Ное 2016, 17:47
Местоположение: CraftVision
Се отблагодари: 151 пъти
Получена благодарност: 371 пъти
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Редактиране на amx_gagmenu

Мнение от illusion » 09 Ное 2020, 23:30

Сложи си флаг B?

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