Добавяне цветен чат и меню в csdm_equip

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Добавяне цветен чат и меню в csdm_equip

Мнение от Mucii » 03 Яну 2020, 06:36

Ако може на този плъгин да се добави цветен чат и менюто да му е цветно.И ако има гранати и AWP да бъдат премахнати.
Ако е възможно го направете с тези имена:
В менюто ONEZONE.EU Weopans Menu и тей на татък.

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

//Tampering with the author and name lines can violate the copyright
new PLUGINNAME[] = "CSDM Equip"
new AUTHORS[] = "CSDM Team"
new SayText

#define    EQUIP_PRI    (1<<0)
#define    EQUIP_SEC    (1<<1)
#define    EQUIP_ARMOR    (1<<2)
#define    EQUIP_GREN    (1<<3)
#define EQUIP_ITEMS    (1<<4)

new g_SecMenu[] = "CSDM: Secondary Weapons"        // Menu Name
new g_SecMenuID = -1                            // Menu ID
new g_cSecondary                                // Menu Callback
new bool:g_mSecStatus = true                    // Menu Available?

new g_PrimMenu[] = "CSDM: Primary Weapons"
new g_PrimMenuID = -1
new g_cPrimary
new bool:g_mPrimStatus = true

new g_ArmorMenu[] = "CSDM: Armor"
new g_ArmorMenuID = -1
new bool:g_mArmorStatus = true

new g_NadeMenu[] = "CSDM: Grenades"
new g_NadeMenuID = -1
new bool:g_mNadeStatus = true

new g_EquipMenu[] = "CSDM: Equip"
new g_EquipMenuID = -1

new bool:g_mShowuser[33] = true

new bool:g_mAutoNades = false
new bool:g_mAutoArmor = false

//Weapon Selections
new g_SecWeapons[33][18]
new g_PrimWeapons[33][18]
new bool:g_mNades[33]
new bool:g_mArmor[33]

//Config weapon storage holders
new g_BotPrim[MAX_WEAPONS][18]
new g_iNumBotPrim

new g_BotSec[MAX_WEAPONS][18]
new g_iNumBotSec

new g_Secondary[MAX_SECONDARY][18]
new bool:g_DisabledSec[MAX_WEAPONS]
new g_iNumSec

new g_Primary[MAX_PRIMARY][18]
new bool:g_DisabledPrim[MAX_WEAPONS]
new g_iNumPrim

#define SILENCED_M4A1    0
#define SILENCED_USP        1
new bool:g_Silenced[33][2]

new g_Armor = 0
new fnadesnum = 0
new bool:g_Flash = false
new bool:g_Nade = false
new bool:g_Smoke = false
new bool:g_NightVision = false
new bool:g_DefuseKit = false

//Quick Fix for menu pages
new g_MenuState[33] = {0}

public csdm_Init(const version[])
    if (version[0] == 0)
        set_fail_state("CSDM failed to load.")
    // Menus and callbacks
    g_SecMenuID = menu_create(g_SecMenu, "m_SecHandler", 0)
    g_PrimMenuID = menu_create(g_PrimMenu, "m_PrimHandler", 0)
    g_ArmorMenuID = menu_create(g_ArmorMenu, "m_ArmorHandler", 0)
    g_NadeMenuID = menu_create(g_NadeMenu, "m_NadeHandler", 0)
    g_EquipMenuID = menu_create(g_EquipMenu, "m_EquipHandler", 0)
    menu_setprop(g_PrimMenuID, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER)
    menu_setprop(g_SecMenuID, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER)
    g_cSecondary = menu_makecallback("c_Secondary")
    g_cPrimary = menu_makecallback("c_Primary")

public csdm_CfgInit()
    // Config reader
    csdm_reg_cfg("equip", "cfgSetting")
    // In order for weapon menu
    csdm_reg_cfg("secondary", "cfgSecondary")
    csdm_reg_cfg("primary", "cfgPrimary")
    csdm_reg_cfg("botprimary", "cfgBotPrim")
    csdm_reg_cfg("botsecondary", "cfgBotSec")

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin(PLUGINNAME, VERSION, AUTHORS)
    // Build Armor/Nade/Equip Menu's
    register_clcmd("say guns", "enableMenu")
    register_clcmd("say /guns", "enableMenu")
    register_clcmd("say menu", "enableMenu")
    register_clcmd("say enablemenu", "enableMenu")
    register_clcmd("say enable_menu", "enableMenu")

    SayText = get_user_msgid("SayText")

public client_connect(id)
    g_mShowuser[id] = true
    g_mNades[id] = false
    g_mArmor[id] = false
    g_Silenced[id][SILENCED_M4A1] = false
    g_Silenced[id][SILENCED_USP] = false

public client_disconnect(id)
    g_mShowuser[id] = true
    g_mNades[id] = false
    g_mArmor[id] = false

public csdm_RemoveWeapon(owner, entity_id, boxed_id)
    new classname[32], weapon
    if (!pev_valid(entity_id))
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    pev(entity_id, pev_classname, classname, 31)
    weapon = get_weaponid(classname)
    if (weapon == CSW_M4A1)
        g_Silenced[owner][SILENCED_M4A1] = cs_get_weapon_silen(entity_id) ? true : false
    } else if (weapon == CSW_USP) {
        g_Silenced[owner][SILENCED_USP] = cs_get_weapon_silen(entity_id) ? true : false

public csdm_PostDeath(killer, victim, headshot, const weapon[])
    /* Clean up any defusal kits we might have made! */
    if (!g_DefuseKit)
    /* This might have a race condition for team switches... */
    if (cs_get_user_team(victim) == CS_TEAM_CT)
        cs_set_user_defuse(victim, 0)

public cfgSecondary(readAction, line[], section[])
    if (readAction == CFG_READ)
        if (g_iNumSec >= MAX_SECONDARY)
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        new wep[16], display[48], dis[4]
        new cmd[6]

        parse(line, wep, 15, display, 47, dis, 3)
        new disabled = str_to_num(dis)
        //Copy weapon into array
        format(g_Secondary[g_iNumSec], 17, "weapon_%s", wep)

        g_DisabledSec[g_iNumSec] = disabled ? false : true
        format(cmd,5,"%d ",g_iNumSec)
        //TODO: Add menu_destroy_items to remake menu on cfg reload
        menu_additem(g_SecMenuID, display, cmd, 0, g_cSecondary)
    else if (readAction == CFG_RELOAD)
        g_SecMenuID = menu_create(g_SecMenu, "m_SecHandler", 0)
        g_iNumSec = 0
    else if (readAction == CFG_DONE)
        //Nothing for now
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public cfgPrimary(readAction, line[], section[])
    if (readAction == CFG_READ)
        if (g_iNumPrim >= MAX_PRIMARY)
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        new wep[16], display[48], dis[4]
        new cmd[6]

        parse(line, wep, 15, display, 47, dis, 3)
        new disabled = str_to_num(dis)
        //Copy weapon into array
        format(g_Primary[g_iNumPrim], 17, "weapon_%s", wep)
        g_DisabledPrim[g_iNumPrim] = disabled ? false : true
        format(cmd, 5, "%d", g_iNumPrim)
        //TODO: Add menu_destroy_items to remake menu on cfg reload
        menu_additem(g_PrimMenuID, display, cmd, 0, g_cPrimary)
    } else if (readAction == CFG_RELOAD) {
        g_PrimMenuID = menu_create(g_PrimMenu, "m_PrimHandler", 0)
        g_iNumPrim = 0
    } else if (readAction == CFG_DONE) {
        //Nothing for now
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public cfgBotPrim(readAction, line[], section[])
    if (readAction == CFG_READ)
        new wep[16], display[32]

        parse(line, wep, 15, display, 31)
        //Copy weapon into array
        format(g_BotPrim[g_iNumBotPrim], 17, "weapon_%s", wep)
    } else if (readAction == CFG_RELOAD) {
        g_iNumBotPrim = 0
    } else if (readAction == CFG_DONE) {
        //Nothing for now
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public cfgBotSec(readAction, line[], section[])
    if (readAction == CFG_READ)
        new wep[16], display[32]

        parse(line, wep, 15, display, 31)
        //Copy weapon into array
        format(g_BotSec[g_iNumBotSec], 17, "weapon_%s", wep)
    } else if (readAction == CFG_RELOAD) {
        g_iNumBotSec = 0
    } else if (readAction == CFG_DONE) {
        //Nothing for now
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public cfgSetting(readAction, line[], section[])
    if (readAction == CFG_READ)

        new setting[16], sign[3], value[6]

        parse(line, setting, 15, sign, 2, value, 5)
        // Menus settings
        if (contain(setting,"menus") != -1)
            if (containi(value, "p") != -1)
                g_mPrimStatus = true
            if (containi(value, "s") != -1)
                g_mSecStatus = true
            if (containi(value, "a") != -1)
                g_mArmorStatus = true
            if (containi(value, "g") != -1)
                g_mNadeStatus = true
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        } else if (contain(setting, "autoitems") != -1) {

            if (containi(value, "a")  != -1)
                //Disable Armor Menu
                g_mArmorStatus = false
                g_mAutoArmor = true
                g_Armor = 1
            if (containi(value, "h") != -1)
                //Disable Armor Menu
                g_mArmorStatus = false
                g_mAutoArmor = true
                g_Armor = 2
            if (containi(value, "g") != -1)
                //Disable Grenade Menu
                g_mNadeStatus = false
                g_mAutoNades = true
            if (containi(value, "d") != -1)
                g_DefuseKit = true
            if (containi(value, "n") != -1)
                g_NightVision = true
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        } else if (contain(setting, "grenades") != -1) {
            if (containi(value, "f") != -1)
                g_Flash = true
            if (containi(value, "h") != -1)
                g_Nade = true
            if (containi(value, "s") != -1)
                g_Smoke = true
        } else if (contain(setting, "fnadesnum") != -1) {
            fnadesnum = str_to_num(value)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    } else if (readAction == CFG_RELOAD) {
        g_mArmorStatus = false
        g_mNadeStatus = false
        g_Flash = false
        g_Nade = false
        g_Smoke = false
        g_Armor = 0
        g_mSecStatus = false
        g_mPrimStatus = false
        g_mAutoNades = false
        g_DefuseKit = false
        g_NightVision = false
        fnadesnum = 1
    } else if (readAction == CFG_DONE) {
        //Nothing for now
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

//Secondary Weapon Callback
public c_Secondary(id, menu, item)

    if( item < 0 ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    new cmd[6], iName[64]
    new access, callback
    menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd,5, iName, 63, callback)
    new dis = str_to_num(cmd)
    //Check to see if item is disabled
    if (g_DisabledSec[dis])
        return ITEM_DISABLED
        return ITEM_ENABLED

//Primary Weapon Callback
public c_Primary(id, menu, item)

    if (item < 0)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    // Get item info
    new cmd[6], iName[64]
    new access, callback
    menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd,5, iName, 63, callback)
    new dis = str_to_num(cmd)
    //Check to see if item is disabled
    if (g_DisabledPrim[dis])
        return ITEM_DISABLED
        return ITEM_ENABLED

//Equipment Menu handler
public m_EquipHandler(id, menu, item)
    if (item < 0)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    // Get item info
    new cmd[2], iName[64]
    new access, callback
    menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd, 1, iName, 63, callback)
    new choice = str_to_num(cmd)
        case 1:
            if (g_mSecStatus)
                menu_display(id, g_SecMenuID, 0)
            else if (g_mPrimStatus)
                menu_display(id, g_PrimMenuID, 0)
            else if (g_mArmorStatus)
                menu_display(id, g_ArmorMenuID, 0)
            else if (g_mNadeStatus)
                if (g_mAutoArmor)
                    equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
                menu_display(id, g_NadeMenuID, 0)
            } else {
                if (g_mAutoArmor)
                    equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
                if (g_mAutoNades)
                    equipUser(id, EQUIP_GREN)
                equipUser(id, EQUIP_ITEMS)
        case 2:
            // Equip person with last settings
            equipUser(id, EQUIP_ALL)
        case 3:
            g_mShowuser[id] = false
            //client_print(id, print_chat, "[CSDM] Type ^"guns^" in chat to re-enable your equip menu.")
            new TextGunInfo[ 555 char ];
            formatex( TextGunInfo, charsmax( TextGunInfo ), "%L", id, "GUNINFO")
            print_col_chat(id, "^4[CSDM]^1 %s", TextGunInfo)
            equipUser(id, EQUIP_ALL)

//Secondary Wep Menu handler
public m_SecHandler(id, menu, item)
    // Get item info
    new cmd[6], iName[64]
    new access, callback
    menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd,5, iName, 63, callback)
    new wep = str_to_num(cmd)
    equipUser(id, EQUIP_SEC)
    // Show next menu here
    if (g_mPrimStatus)
        menu_display(id, g_PrimMenuID, 0)
    else if (g_mArmorStatus)
        menu_display(id, g_ArmorMenuID, 0)
    else if (g_mNadeStatus)
        if (g_mAutoArmor)
            equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
        menu_display(id, g_NadeMenuID, 0)
        if (g_mAutoArmor)
            equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
        if (g_mAutoNades)
            equipUser(id, EQUIP_GREN)
        equipUser(id, EQUIP_ITEMS)

//Primary Wep Menu handler
public m_PrimHandler(id, menu, item)
    if (item < 0)  return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    // Get item info
    new cmd[6], iName[64]
    new access, callback
    if (menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd,5, iName, 63, callback))
        new wep = str_to_num(cmd)
        copy(g_PrimWeapons[id], 17, g_Primary[wep])
        equipUser(id, EQUIP_PRI)
    // Show next menu here
    if (g_mArmorStatus)
        menu_display(id, g_ArmorMenuID, 0)
    else if (g_mNadeStatus)
        if (g_mAutoArmor)
            equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
        menu_display(id, g_NadeMenuID, 0)
    } else {
        if (g_mAutoArmor)
            equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
        if (g_mAutoNades)
            equipUser(id, EQUIP_GREN)
        equipUser(id, EQUIP_ITEMS)

//Armor Menu handler
public m_ArmorHandler(id, menu, item)
    if (item < 0) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    // Get item info
    new cmd[6], iName[64]
    new access, callback

    menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd,5, iName, 63, callback)
    new choice = str_to_num(cmd)
    if (choice == 1)
        g_mArmor[id] = true
    else if (choice == 2)
        g_mArmor[id] = false
    equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
    // Show next menu here
    if (g_mNadeStatus)
        menu_display(id, g_NadeMenuID, 0)
    } else {
        if (g_mAutoNades)
            equipUser(id, EQUIP_GREN)
        equipUser(id, EQUIP_ITEMS)

//Nade Menu handler
public m_NadeHandler(id, menu, item)
    if (item < 0) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    new cmd[6], iName[64]
    new access, callback
    menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd, 5, iName, 63, callback)
    new choice = str_to_num(cmd)
    if (choice == 1)
        g_mNades[id] = true
    else if (choice == 2)
        g_mNades[id] = false
    equipUser(id, EQUIP_GREN)
    equipUser(id, EQUIP_ITEMS)


    //Equip Menu
    menu_additem(g_EquipMenuID, "New Weapons", "1", 0, -1)
    menu_additem(g_EquipMenuID, "Previous Setup", "2", 0, -1)
    menu_additem(g_EquipMenuID, "2+Don't show menu again", "3", 0, -1)
    menu_setprop(g_EquipMenuID, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER)
    //Armor Menu
    menu_additem(g_ArmorMenuID, "Yes, armor up", "1", 0, -1)
    menu_additem(g_ArmorMenuID, "No Armor", "2", 0, -1)
    menu_setprop(g_ArmorMenuID, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER)
    //Nade Menu
    menu_additem(g_NadeMenuID, "All Grenades", "1", 0, -1)
    menu_additem(g_NadeMenuID, "No Grenades", "2", 0, -1)
    menu_setprop(g_NadeMenuID, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER)

equipUser(id, to)
    if (!is_user_alive(id) )
    if (to & EQUIP_SEC)
        //Give Secondary
        GiveUserFullWeapon(id, g_SecWeapons[id])
    if (to & EQUIP_PRI)
        //Give Primary
        GiveUserFullWeapon(id, g_PrimWeapons[id])
    if (to & EQUIP_ARMOR)
        //Give Armor
        if (g_mAutoArmor || g_mArmor[id])
            new armor = g_mArmor[id] ? 2 : g_Armor
            cs_set_user_armor(id, DEFAULT_ARMOR, CsArmorType:armor)
    if (to & EQUIP_GREN)
        //Give Nades
        if (g_mNades[id] || g_mAutoNades)
            if (g_Nade)
            if (g_Smoke)
                GiveUserFullWeapon(id, "weapon_smokegrenade")
            if (g_Flash && fnadesnum)
                GiveUserFullWeapon(id, "weapon_flashbang")
                if (fnadesnum == 2)
                    GiveUserFullWeapon(id, "weapon_flashbang")

    if (to & EQUIP_ITEMS)
        if (g_DefuseKit && (cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT))
            cs_set_user_defuse(id, 1)
        if (g_NightVision)
            cs_set_user_nvg(id, 1)

GiveUserFullWeapon(id, const wp[])
    /** First check to make sure the user does not have a weapon in this slot */
    new wpnid = get_weaponid(wp)
    new weapons[MAX_WEAPONS], num
    new name[24], weap
    new slot
    if (wpnid == 0)
        if (equal(wp, "weapon_shield"))
            slot = SLOT_PRIMARY
            wpnid = -1
    } else {
        slot = g_WeaponSlots[wpnid]
    if ((slot == SLOT_SECONDARY || slot == SLOT_PRIMARY)
         && wpnid > 0)
        get_user_weapons(id, weapons, num)
        for (new i=0; i<num; i++)
            weap = weapons[i]
            if (weap == wpnid)
            if (g_WeaponSlots[weap] == slot)
                if (slot == SLOT_SECONDARY && cs_get_user_shield(id))
                    //temporary fix!
                    drop_with_shield(id, weap)
                } else {
                    get_weaponname(weap, name, 23)
                    csdm_force_drop(id, name)
    } else if (slot == SLOT_PRIMARY && wpnid == -1 && cs_get_user_shield(id)) {
    if (slot == SLOT_PRIMARY && cs_get_user_shield(id) && wpnid > 0)
        csdm_fwd_drop(id, -1, "weapon_shield")
    new item_id = csdm_give_item(id, wp)
    if (item_id > 0)
        if (wpnid == CSW_M4A1)
            cs_set_weapon_silen(item_id, g_Silenced[id][SILENCED_M4A1], 1)
        } else if (wpnid == CSW_USP) {
            cs_set_weapon_silen(item_id, g_Silenced[id][SILENCED_USP], 1)

    if (wpnid > 0)
        new bpammo = g_MaxBPAmmo[wpnid]
        if (bpammo)
            cs_set_user_bpammo(id, wpnid, bpammo)

public csdm_PostSpawn(player)
    if (is_user_bot(player))
            new randPrim = random_num(0, g_iNumBotPrim-1)
            new randSec = random_num(0, g_iNumBotSec-1)
            // By our lMOSTeast favorite guy KWo RIP - 02.11.2005.
            new randArm = random_num(0, 2)
            new randGre = random_num(0, 2)
            GiveUserFullWeapon(player, g_BotPrim[randPrim])
            GiveUserFullWeapon(player, g_BotSec[randSec])

            g_mArmor[player] = (g_mArmorStatus && randArm)
            g_mNades[player] = (g_mNadeStatus && randGre)
            if (g_mAutoArmor || g_mArmor[player])
                equipUser(player, EQUIP_ARMOR)

            if (g_mAutoNades || g_mNades[player])
                equipUser(player, EQUIP_GREN)
            if (g_DefuseKit)
                equipUser(player, EQUIP_ITEMS)
    } else {
        if (g_mShowuser[player])
            g_MenuState[player] = 1
            menu_display(player, g_EquipMenuID, 0)
        } else {
            g_MenuState[player] = 0
            equipUser(player, EQUIP_ALL)

public enableMenu(id)
    if (!csdm_active())
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    if (!g_mShowuser[id])
        g_mShowuser[id] = true
        //client_print(id, print_chat, "[CSDM] Your equip menu has been re-enabled.")
        new TextMenuEnable[ 555 char ];
        formatex( TextMenuEnable, charsmax( TextMenuEnable ), "%L", id, "MENUENABLE")
        print_col_chat(id, "^4[CSDM]^1 %s", TextMenuEnable)
        if (!g_MenuState[id])
            g_MenuState[id] = 1
            menu_display(id, g_EquipMenuID, 0)
    } else {
        //client_print(id, print_chat, "[CSDM] Your equip menu is already enabled.")
        new TextMenuEnabled[ 555 char ];
        formatex( TextMenuEnabled, charsmax( TextMenuEnabled ), "%L", id, "MENUENABLED")
        print_col_chat(id, "^4[CSDM]^1 %s", TextMenuEnabled)

stock print_col_chat(const id, const input[], any:...)
    new count = 1, players[32]
    static msg[191]
    vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4") // Green Color
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1") // Default Color (типа жёлный)
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3") // Team Color
    if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch") 
        for ( new i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            if ( is_user_connected(players[i]) )
                message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SayText, _, players[i])
Последно промяна от OciXCrom на 03 Яну 2020, 14:45, променено общо 1 път.
Причина: Редактирано заглавие!

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Мнения: 295
Регистриран на: 30 Авг 2018, 09:35
Местоположение: София
Се отблагодари: 26 пъти
Получена благодарност: 17 пъти
Обратна връзка:

Преработна на csdm_equip

Мнение от Fatall » 03 Яну 2020, 06:45

Само си редактирай префиксовете.

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

 * csdm_equip.sma
 * Allows for Counter-Strike to be played as DeathMatch.
 * CSDM Equipment Menu
 * By Freecode and BAILOPAN
 * (C)2003-2006 David "BAILOPAN" Anderson
 *  Give credit where due.
 *  Share the source - it sets you free
 *  http://www.opensource.org/
 *  http://www.gnu.org/
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <csdm>
#include <fakemeta>

//Tampering with the author and name lines can violate the copyright
new PLUGINNAME[] = "CSDM Equip"
new AUTHORS[] = "CSDM Team"

#define   EQUIP_PRI   (1<<0)
#define   EQUIP_SEC   (1<<1)
#define   EQUIP_ARMOR   (1<<2)
#define   EQUIP_GREN   (1<<3)
#define EQUIP_ITEMS   (1<<4)

new g_SecMenu[] = "CSBulgaria: Pistols"      // Menu Name
new g_SecMenuID = -1               // Menu ID
new g_cSecondary               // Menu Callback
new bool:g_mSecStatus = true            // Menu Available?

new g_PrimMenu[] = "CSBulgaria: Weapons "
new g_PrimMenuID = -1
new g_cPrimary
new bool:g_mPrimStatus = true

new g_ArmorMenu[] = "CSBulgaria: Armor"
new g_ArmorMenuID = -1
new bool:g_mArmorStatus = true

new g_NadeMenu[] = "CSBulgaria: Grenades"
new g_NadeMenuID = -1
new bool:g_mNadeStatus = true

new g_EquipMenu[] = "CSBulgaria: Menu"
new g_EquipMenuID = -1

new bool:g_mShowuser[33] = true

new bool:g_mAutoNades = false
new bool:g_mAutoArmor = false

//Weapon Selections
new g_SecWeapons[33][18]
new g_PrimWeapons[33][18]
new bool:g_mNades[33]
new bool:g_mArmor[33]

//Config weapon storage holders
new g_BotPrim[MAX_WEAPONS][18]
new g_iNumBotPrim

new g_BotSec[MAX_WEAPONS][18]
new g_iNumBotSec

new g_Secondary[MAX_SECONDARY][18]
new bool:g_DisabledSec[MAX_WEAPONS]
new g_iNumSec

new g_Primary[MAX_PRIMARY][18]
new bool:g_DisabledPrim[MAX_WEAPONS]
new g_iNumPrim

#define SILENCED_M4A1   0
#define SILENCED_USP      1
new bool:g_Silenced[33][2]

new g_Armor = 0
new fnadesnum = 0
new bool:g_Flash = false
new bool:g_Nade = false
new bool:g_Smoke = false
new bool:g_NightVision = false
new bool:g_DefuseKit = false
new PcvarAWPmoney

//Quick Fix for menu pages
new g_MenuState[33] = {0}

public csdm_Init(const version[])
   if (version[0] == 0)
      set_fail_state("CSDM failed to load.")
   // Menus and callbacks
   g_SecMenuID = menu_create(g_SecMenu, "m_SecHandler", 0)
   g_PrimMenuID = menu_create(g_PrimMenu, "m_PrimHandler", 0)
   g_ArmorMenuID = menu_create(g_ArmorMenu, "m_ArmorHandler", 0)
   g_NadeMenuID = menu_create(g_NadeMenu, "m_NadeHandler", 0)
   g_EquipMenuID = menu_create(g_EquipMenu, "m_EquipHandler", 0)
   menu_setprop(g_PrimMenuID, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER)
   menu_setprop(g_SecMenuID, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER)
   g_cSecondary = menu_makecallback("c_Secondary")
   g_cPrimary = menu_makecallback("c_Primary")

public csdm_CfgInit()
   // Config reader
   csdm_reg_cfg("equip", "cfgSetting")
   // In order for weapon menu
   csdm_reg_cfg("secondary", "cfgSecondary")
   csdm_reg_cfg("primary", "cfgPrimary")
   csdm_reg_cfg("botprimary", "cfgBotPrim")
   csdm_reg_cfg("botsecondary", "cfgBotSec")

public plugin_init()
   register_plugin(PLUGINNAME, VERSION, AUTHORS)
   // Build Armor/Nade/Equip Menu's
   PcvarAWPmoney = register_cvar("csdm_eq_AWPcost", "5000")
   register_clcmd("say guns", "enableMenu")
   register_clcmd("say /guns", "enableMenu")
   register_clcmd("say menu", "enableMenu")
   register_clcmd("say enablemenu", "enableMenu")
   register_clcmd("say enable_menu", "enableMenu")

public client_connect(id)
   g_mShowuser[id] = true
   g_mNades[id] = false
   g_mArmor[id] = false
   g_Silenced[id][SILENCED_M4A1] = false
   g_Silenced[id][SILENCED_USP] = false

public client_disconnect(id)
   g_mShowuser[id] = true
   g_mNades[id] = false
   g_mArmor[id] = false

public csdm_RemoveWeapon(owner, entity_id, boxed_id)
   new classname[32], weapon
   if (!pev_valid(entity_id))
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
   pev(entity_id, pev_classname, classname, 31)
   weapon = get_weaponid(classname)
   if (weapon == CSW_M4A1)
      g_Silenced[owner][SILENCED_M4A1] = cs_get_weapon_silen(entity_id) ? true : false
   } else if (weapon == CSW_USP) {
      g_Silenced[owner][SILENCED_USP] = cs_get_weapon_silen(entity_id) ? true : false

public csdm_PostDeath(killer, victim, headshot, const weapon[])
   /* Clean up any defusal kits we might have made! */
   if (!g_DefuseKit)
   /* This might have a race condition for team switches... */
   if (cs_get_user_team(victim) == CS_TEAM_CT)
      cs_set_user_defuse(victim, 0)

public cfgSecondary(readAction, line[], section[])
   if (readAction == CFG_READ)
      if (g_iNumSec >= MAX_SECONDARY)
         return PLUGIN_HANDLED
      new wep[16], display[48], dis[4]
      new cmd[6]

      parse(line, wep, 15, display, 47, dis, 3)
      new disabled = str_to_num(dis)
      //Copy weapon into array
      format(g_Secondary[g_iNumSec], 17, "weapon_%s", wep)

      g_DisabledSec[g_iNumSec] = disabled ? false : true
      format(cmd,5,"%d ",g_iNumSec)
      //TODO: Add menu_destroy_items to remake menu on cfg reload
      menu_additem(g_SecMenuID, display, cmd, 0, g_cSecondary)
   else if (readAction == CFG_RELOAD)
      g_SecMenuID = menu_create(g_SecMenu, "m_SecHandler", 0)
      g_iNumSec = 0
   else if (readAction == CFG_DONE)
      //Nothing for now
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public cfgPrimary(readAction, line[], section[])
   if (readAction == CFG_READ)
      if (g_iNumPrim >= MAX_PRIMARY)   
         return PLUGIN_HANDLED
      new wep[16], display[48], dis[4]
      new cmd[6]

      parse(line, wep, 15, display, 47, dis, 3)
      new disabled = str_to_num(dis)
      //Copy weapon into array
      format(g_Primary[g_iNumPrim], 17, "weapon_%s", wep)
      g_DisabledPrim[g_iNumPrim] = disabled ? false : true
      format(cmd, 5, "%d", g_iNumPrim)
      //TODO: Add menu_destroy_items to remake menu on cfg reload
      menu_additem(g_PrimMenuID, display, cmd, 0, g_cPrimary)
   } else if (readAction == CFG_RELOAD) {
      g_PrimMenuID = menu_create(g_PrimMenu, "m_PrimHandler", 0)
      g_iNumPrim = 0
   } else if (readAction == CFG_DONE) {
      //Nothing for now
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED
public cfgBotPrim(readAction, line[], section[])
   if (readAction == CFG_READ)
      new wep[16], display[32]

      parse(line, wep, 15, display, 31)
      //Copy weapon into array
      format(g_BotPrim[g_iNumBotPrim], 17, "weapon_%s", wep)
   } else if (readAction == CFG_RELOAD) {
      g_iNumBotPrim = 0
   } else if (readAction == CFG_DONE) {
      //Nothing for now
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public cfgBotSec(readAction, line[], section[])
   if (readAction == CFG_READ)
      new wep[16], display[32]

      parse(line, wep, 15, display, 31)
      //Copy weapon into array
      format(g_BotSec[g_iNumBotSec], 17, "weapon_%s", wep)
   } else if (readAction == CFG_RELOAD) {
      g_iNumBotSec = 0
   } else if (readAction == CFG_DONE) {
      //Nothing for now
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public cfgSetting(readAction, line[], section[])
   if (readAction == CFG_READ)

      new setting[16], sign[3], value[6]

      parse(line, setting, 15, sign, 2, value, 5)
      // Menus settings
      if (contain(setting,"menus") != -1)
         if (containi(value, "p") != -1)
            g_mPrimStatus = true
         if (containi(value, "s") != -1)
            g_mSecStatus = true
         if (containi(value, "a") != -1)
            g_mArmorStatus = true
         if (containi(value, "g") != -1)
            g_mNadeStatus = true
         return PLUGIN_HANDLED
      } else if (contain(setting, "autoitems") != -1) {

         if (containi(value, "a")  != -1)
            //Disable Armor Menu
            g_mArmorStatus = false
            g_mAutoArmor = true
            g_Armor = 1
         if (containi(value, "h") != -1)
            //Disable Armor Menu
            g_mArmorStatus = false
            g_mAutoArmor = true
            g_Armor = 2
         if (containi(value, "g") != -1)
            //Disable Grenade Menu
            g_mNadeStatus = false
            g_mAutoNades = true
         if (containi(value, "d") != -1)
            g_DefuseKit = true
         if (containi(value, "n") != -1)
            g_NightVision = true
         return PLUGIN_HANDLED
      } else if (contain(setting, "grenades") != -1) {
         if (containi(value, "f") != -1)
            g_Flash = true
         if (containi(value, "h") != -1)
            g_Nade = true
         if (containi(value, "s") != -1)
            g_Smoke = true
      } else if (contain(setting, "fnadesnum") != -1) {
         fnadesnum = str_to_num(value)
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED
   } else if (readAction == CFG_RELOAD) {
      g_mArmorStatus = false
      g_mNadeStatus = false
      g_Flash = false
      g_Nade = false
      g_Smoke = false
      g_Armor = 0
      g_mSecStatus = false
      g_mPrimStatus = false
      g_mAutoNades = false
      g_DefuseKit = false
      g_NightVision = false
      fnadesnum = 1
   } else if (readAction == CFG_DONE) {
      //Nothing for now
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED

//Secondary Weapon Callback
public c_Secondary(id, menu, item)

   if( item < 0 ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
   new cmd[6], iName[64]
   new access, callback
   menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd,5, iName, 63, callback)
   new dis = str_to_num(cmd)
   //Check to see if item is disabled
   if (g_DisabledSec[dis])
      return ITEM_DISABLED
      return ITEM_ENABLED

//Primary Weapon Callback
public c_Primary(id, menu, item)

   if (item < 0)
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
   // Get item info
   new cmd[6], iName[64]
   new access, callback
   menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd,5, iName, 63, callback)
   new dis = str_to_num(cmd)
   //Check to see if item is disabled
   if (g_DisabledPrim[dis])
      return ITEM_DISABLED
      return ITEM_ENABLED

//Equipment Menu handler
public m_EquipHandler(id, menu, item)
   if (item < 0)
      return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
   // Get item info
   new cmd[2], iName[64]
   new access, callback
   menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd, 1, iName, 63, callback)
   new choice = str_to_num(cmd)
      case 1:
         if (g_mSecStatus)
            menu_display(id, g_SecMenuID, 0)
         else if (g_mPrimStatus)
            menu_display(id, g_PrimMenuID, 0)
         else if (g_mArmorStatus)
            menu_display(id, g_ArmorMenuID, 0)
         else if (g_mNadeStatus)
            if (g_mAutoArmor)
               equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
            menu_display(id, g_NadeMenuID, 0)
         } else {
            if (g_mAutoArmor)
               equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
            if (g_mAutoNades)
               equipUser(id, EQUIP_GREN)
            equipUser(id, EQUIP_ITEMS)
      case 2:
         // Equip person with last settings
         equipUser(id, EQUIP_ALL)
      case 3:
         g_mShowuser[id] = false
         ChatColor(id, "!y[!gCSBulgaria!y] Type !gguns !yin chat to re-enable your equip menu.")
         equipUser(id, EQUIP_ALL)

//Secondary Wep Menu handler
public m_SecHandler(id, menu, item)
   // Get item info
   new cmd[6], iName[64]
   new access, callback
   menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd,5, iName, 63, callback)
   new wep = str_to_num(cmd)
   equipUser(id, EQUIP_SEC)
   // Show next menu here
   if (g_mPrimStatus)
      menu_display(id, g_PrimMenuID, 0)
   else if (g_mArmorStatus)
      menu_display(id, g_ArmorMenuID, 0)
   else if (g_mNadeStatus)
      if (g_mAutoArmor)
         equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
      menu_display(id, g_NadeMenuID, 0)
      if (g_mAutoArmor)
         equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
      if (g_mAutoNades)
         equipUser(id, EQUIP_GREN)
      equipUser(id, EQUIP_ITEMS)

//Primary Wep Menu handler
public m_PrimHandler(id, menu, item)
   if (item < 0)  return PLUGIN_HANDLED
   // Get item info
   new cmd[6], iName[64]
   new access, callback
   if (menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd,5, iName, 63, callback))
      new wep = str_to_num(cmd)
      copy(g_PrimWeapons[id], 17, g_Primary[wep])
      equipUser(id, EQUIP_PRI)
   // Show next menu here
   if (g_mArmorStatus)
      menu_display(id, g_ArmorMenuID, 0)
   else if (g_mNadeStatus)
      if (g_mAutoArmor)
         equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
      menu_display(id, g_NadeMenuID, 0)
   } else {
      if (g_mAutoArmor)
         equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
      if (g_mAutoNades)
         equipUser(id, EQUIP_GREN)
      equipUser(id, EQUIP_ITEMS)

//Armor Menu handler
public m_ArmorHandler(id, menu, item)
   if (item < 0) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
   // Get item info
   new cmd[6], iName[64]
   new access, callback

   menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd,5, iName, 63, callback)
   new choice = str_to_num(cmd)
   if (choice == 1)
      g_mArmor[id] = true
   else if (choice == 2)
      g_mArmor[id] = false
   equipUser(id, EQUIP_ARMOR)
   // Show next menu here
   if (g_mNadeStatus)
      menu_display(id, g_NadeMenuID, 0)
   } else {
      if (g_mAutoNades)
         equipUser(id, EQUIP_GREN)
      equipUser(id, EQUIP_ITEMS)

//Nade Menu handler
public m_NadeHandler(id, menu, item)
   if (item < 0) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
   new cmd[6], iName[64]
   new access, callback
   menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd, 5, iName, 63, callback)
   new choice = str_to_num(cmd)
   if (choice == 1)
      g_mNades[id] = true
   else if (choice == 2)
      g_mNades[id] = false
   equipUser(id, EQUIP_GREN)
   equipUser(id, EQUIP_ITEMS)


   //Equip Menu
   menu_additem(g_EquipMenuID, "yNew Weapons", "1", 0, -1)
   menu_additem(g_EquipMenuID, "rPrevious Setup", "2", 0, -1)
   menu_additem(g_EquipMenuID, "y2+Don't show menu again", "3", 0, -1)
   menu_setprop(g_EquipMenuID, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER)
   //Armor Menu
   menu_additem(g_ArmorMenuID, "Yes, armor up", "1", 0, -1)
   menu_additem(g_ArmorMenuID, "No Armor", "2", 0, -1)
   menu_setprop(g_ArmorMenuID, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER)
   //Nade Menu
   menu_additem(g_NadeMenuID, "All Grenades", "1", 0, -1)
   menu_additem(g_NadeMenuID, "No Grenades", "2", 0, -1)
   menu_setprop(g_NadeMenuID, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER)

equipUser(id, to)
   if (!is_user_alive(id) )
   if (to & EQUIP_SEC)
      //Give Secondary
      GiveUserFullWeapon(id, g_SecWeapons[id])
   if (to & EQUIP_PRI)
      //Give Primary
      GiveUserFullWeapon(id, g_PrimWeapons[id])
   if (to & EQUIP_ARMOR)
      //Give Armor
      if (g_mAutoArmor || g_mArmor[id])
         new armor = g_mArmor[id] ? 2 : g_Armor
         cs_set_user_armor(id, DEFAULT_ARMOR, CsArmorType:armor)
   if (to & EQUIP_GREN)
      //Give Nades
      if (g_mNades[id] || g_mAutoNades)
         if (g_Nade)
         if (g_Smoke)
            GiveUserFullWeapon(id, "weapon_smokegrenade")
         if (g_Flash && fnadesnum)
            GiveUserFullWeapon(id, "weapon_flashbang")
            if (fnadesnum == 2)
               GiveUserFullWeapon(id, "weapon_flashbang")

   if (to & EQUIP_ITEMS)
      if (g_DefuseKit && (cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT))
         cs_set_user_defuse(id, 1)
      if (g_NightVision)
         cs_set_user_nvg(id, 1)

GiveUserFullWeapon(id, const wp[])
   /** First check to make sure the user does not have a weapon in this slot */
   new wpnid = get_weaponid(wp)
   new weapons[MAX_WEAPONS], num
   new name[24], weap
   new slot
   new money = cs_get_user_money(id), AWPcost = get_pcvar_num(PcvarAWPmoney)
   if(wpnid == CSW_AWP){
      g_mShowuser[id] = true
      if( money >= AWPcost )
         cs_set_user_money(id, money-AWPcost)
         menu_display(id, g_PrimMenuID, 0)
         ChatColor(id, "!y[!gBG-CS!y] !yYour dont have enough money to buy AWP!")
   if (wpnid == 0)
      if (equal(wp, "weapon_shield"))
         slot = SLOT_PRIMARY
         wpnid = -1
   } else {
      slot = g_WeaponSlots[wpnid]
   if ((slot == SLOT_SECONDARY || slot == SLOT_PRIMARY)
       && wpnid > 0)
      get_user_weapons(id, weapons, num)
      for (new i=0; i<num; i++)
         weap = weapons[i]
         if (weap == wpnid)
         if (g_WeaponSlots[weap] == slot)
            if (slot == SLOT_SECONDARY && cs_get_user_shield(id))
               //temporary fix!
               drop_with_shield(id, weap)
            } else {
               get_weaponname(weap, name, 23)
               csdm_force_drop(id, name)
   } else if (slot == SLOT_PRIMARY && wpnid == -1 && cs_get_user_shield(id)) {
   if (slot == SLOT_PRIMARY && cs_get_user_shield(id) && wpnid > 0)
      csdm_fwd_drop(id, -1, "weapon_shield")
   new item_id = csdm_give_item(id, wp)
   if (item_id > 0)
      if (wpnid == CSW_M4A1)
         cs_set_weapon_silen(item_id, g_Silenced[id][SILENCED_M4A1], 1)
      } else if (wpnid == CSW_USP) {
         cs_set_weapon_silen(item_id, g_Silenced[id][SILENCED_USP], 1)

   if (wpnid > 0)
      new bpammo = g_MaxBPAmmo[wpnid]
      if (bpammo)
         cs_set_user_bpammo(id, wpnid, bpammo)

public csdm_PostSpawn(player)
   if (is_user_bot(player))
         new randPrim = random_num(0, g_iNumBotPrim-1)
         new randSec = random_num(0, g_iNumBotSec-1)
         // By our lMOSTeast favorite guy KWo RIP - 02.11.2005.
         new randArm = random_num(0, 2)
         new randGre = random_num(0, 2)
         GiveUserFullWeapon(player, g_BotPrim[randPrim])
         GiveUserFullWeapon(player, g_BotSec[randSec])

         g_mArmor[player] = (g_mArmorStatus && randArm)
         g_mNades[player] = (g_mNadeStatus && randGre)
         if (g_mAutoArmor || g_mArmor[player])
            equipUser(player, EQUIP_ARMOR)

         if (g_mAutoNades || g_mNades[player])
            equipUser(player, EQUIP_GREN)
         if (g_DefuseKit)
            equipUser(player, EQUIP_ITEMS)
   } else {
      if (g_mShowuser[player])
         g_MenuState[player] = 1
         menu_display(player, g_EquipMenuID, 0)
      } else {
         g_MenuState[player] = 0
         equipUser(player, EQUIP_ALL)

public enableMenu(id)
   if (!g_mShowuser[id])
      g_mShowuser[id] = true
      ChatColor(id, "!y[!gCSBulgaria!y] !yYour equip menu has been re-enabled.")
      if (!g_MenuState[id])
         g_MenuState[id] = 1
         menu_display(id, g_EquipMenuID, 1)
   } else {
      ChatColor(id, "!y[!gCSBulgaria!y] !yYour equip menu is already enabled.")

// Stock: ChatColor!
stock ChatColor(const id, const input[], any:...)
   new count = 1, players[32]
   static msg[191]
   vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
   replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4") // Green Color
   replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1") // Default Color
   replace_all(msg, 190, "!team", "^3") // Team Color
   replace_all(msg, 190, "!team2", "^0") // Team2 Color
   if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
      for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
         if (is_user_connected(players[i]))
            message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i])

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

   $error_msg = "Database error in [page].php / ";
   $error_msg .= mysqli_error ( $link )." / ";
   $error_msg .= $query;
   UpdateLog ( $error_msg , DB_ERROR_LOG_FILE );

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Регистриран на: 11 Дек 2019, 20:53
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Преработна на csdm_equip

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