Dispenser info_aim

В този раздел можете да подавате всякакви заявки за намиране, изработка или преработка на плъгини/модове.
Извън линия
Мнения: 63
Регистриран на: 28 Мар 2020, 16:42
Се отблагодари: 16 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1 път

Dispenser info_aim

Мнение от GGzBoy » 28 Мар 2020, 16:58

I saw an OciXCrom plugin that had the /destroy command it would put an info_aim system for when a player aims at it to show who owns the dispenser

and if possible put id in the dispensers so that in addition to the owners can use /desroy the administrator could break any dispenser by ID

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

        Build Dispenser

        Like in TFC or TF2 dispensers give you armor health and ammo
        Every time you are near at a teammate dispenser, your health, amor, or ammo will refill to maximum!        
        By tuty;

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >

#include < fakemeta >
#include < hamsandwich >
#include < cstrike >
#include < engine >
#include < fun >

#include < xs >

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN_VERSION        "# [+Destroy Command]"

#define MAX_PLAYERS        32

#define BREAK_COMPUTER        6


enum _: iColorAndCoords
    x_r = 0,

new const gDamageSounds[ ][ ] = 

new const szBuildingMessages[ ][ ] =
    "Building a Dispenser right here...",
    "Directing a DISPENSER!",
    "Dispenser coming now!",
    "Dispenser coming right up ahead!"

new const gDispenserClassname[ ] = "NiceDispenser:D";

new const gDispenserActive[ ] = "buttons/button9.wav";
new const gDispenserMdl[ ] = "models/dispenser.mdl";
new const gMetalGibsMdl[ ] = "models/computergibs.mdl";
new const gHealingSprite[ ] = "sprites/laserbeam.spr";

new gHealingBeam;
new gMetalGibs;
new gMaxPlayers;
new gHudSync;

new gCvarEnabled;
new gDispenserCost;
new gCvarDispenserHealth;
new gCvarBuildTime;
new gCvarReplenishRadius;
new gCvarSpinDispenser;
new gCvarMaxHealth;
new gCvarMaxArmor;

new Float:gDispenserOrigin[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ iColorAndCoords ];
new gBeamcolor[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ iColorAndCoords ];

new Float:gDispenserHealthOff[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new bool:bDispenserBuild[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new gUserDispenser[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];

public plugin_init( )
    register_plugin( "Build Dispenser", PLUGIN_VERSION, "tuty" );
    register_event( "TextMsg", "EVENT_TextMsg", "a", "2&#Game_C", "2&#Game_w", "2&#Game_will_restart_in" );
    register_logevent( "LOG_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );
    static szDispenserClassname[ ] = "info_target";

    RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, szDispenserClassname, "bacon_TakeDamage", 1 );
    RegisterHam( Ham_TraceAttack, szDispenserClassname, "bacon_TraceAttack" );
    register_think( gDispenserClassname, "DispenserThink" );
    register_clcmd( "drop", "CommandDispenserBuild" );
    register_clcmd( "say /destroy", "CommandDestroyDispenser" );
    register_clcmd( "say_team /destroy", "CommandDestroyDispenser" );
    gCvarEnabled = register_cvar( "dispenser_enabled", "1" );
    gDispenserCost = register_cvar( "dispenser_cost", "1500" );
    gCvarDispenserHealth = register_cvar( "dispenser_health", "900" );
    gCvarBuildTime = register_cvar( "dispenser_buildtime", "5" );
    gCvarReplenishRadius = register_cvar( "dispenser_radius", "300" );
    gCvarSpinDispenser = register_cvar( "dispenser_spin", "1" );
    gCvarMaxHealth = register_cvar( "dispenser_playermax_health", "100" );
    gCvarMaxArmor = register_cvar( "dispenser_playermax_armor", "100" );
    gMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( );

    gHudSync = CreateHudSyncObj( );

public client_connect( id )
    bDispenserBuild[ id ] = false;
    gUserDispenser[ id ] = 0;

public plugin_precache( )
    gHealingBeam = precache_model( gHealingSprite );
    gMetalGibs = precache_model( gMetalGibsMdl );
    precache_model( gDispenserMdl );
    precache_sound( gDispenserActive );
    new i;
    for( i = 0; i < sizeof gDamageSounds; i++ )
        precache_sound( gDamageSounds[ i ] );

public CommandDispenserBuild( id )
    if( !is_user_alive( id ) 
    || get_user_weapon( id ) != CSW_KNIFE 
    || get_pcvar_num( gCvarEnabled ) != 1 )
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    if( !( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) )
        client_print( id, print_center, "You must be on ground to build a Dispenser!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    if( bDispenserBuild[ id ] == true )
        client_print( id, print_center, "You already have build a Dispenser!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    new iMoney = cs_get_user_money( id );
    new iCost = get_pcvar_num( gDispenserCost );
    if( iMoney < iCost )
        client_print( id, print_chat, "[Dispenser] You don't have enough money to build a Dispenser... Need(%d$)", iCost );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    new Float:flPlayerOrigin[ 3 ];
    pev( id, pev_origin, flPlayerOrigin );
    new Float:flHealth = float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarDispenserHealth ) );

    new iEntity = create_entity( "info_target" );
    if( !pev_valid( iEntity ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    set_pev( iEntity, pev_classname, gDispenserClassname );
    engfunc( EngFunc_SetModel, iEntity, gDispenserMdl );
    engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iEntity, Float:{ -12.0, -10.0, -12.0 }, Float:{ 12.0, 10.0, 12.0 } );
    set_pev( iEntity, pev_origin, flPlayerOrigin );
    set_pev( iEntity, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT );
    set_pev( iEntity, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_TOSS );
    set_pev( iEntity, pev_health, flHealth );
    set_pev( iEntity, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_YES );
    set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser2, id );
    set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser3, STATUS_BUILDING );
    set_pev( iEntity, pev_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 0.1 );

    gDispenserOrigin[ id ][ x_r ] = flPlayerOrigin[ 0 ];
    gDispenserOrigin[ id ][ y_g ] = flPlayerOrigin[ 1 ];
    gDispenserOrigin[ id ][ z_b ] = flPlayerOrigin[ 2 ];
    gDispenserHealthOff[ id ] = flHealth;
    bDispenserBuild[ id ] = true;
    gUserDispenser[ id ] = iEntity;
    set_task( float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarBuildTime ) ), "BuildDispenserSolid", iEntity );
    cs_set_user_money( id, iMoney - iCost, 1 );

    client_print( id, print_center, szBuildingMessages[ random_num( 0, charsmax( szBuildingMessages ) ) ] );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public CommandDestroyDispenser( id )
    if( !bDispenserBuild[ id ] )
        client_print( id, print_center, "You don't have a dispenser!" );
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    set_pev( gUserDispenser[ id ], pev_flags, pev( gUserDispenser[ id ], pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
    bDispenserBuild[ id ] = false;
    gUserDispenser[ id ] = 0;
    client_print( id, print_center, "Dispenser destroyed!" );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public bacon_TakeDamage( ent, idinflictor, idattacker, Float:damage, damagebits )
    new szClassname[ 32 ];
    pev( ent, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
    if( equal( szClassname, gDispenserClassname ) )
        new iOwner = pev( ent, pev_iuser2 );

        if( pev( ent, pev_health ) <= 0.0 )
            new szName[ 32 ];
            get_user_name( idattacker, szName, charsmax( szName ) );

            new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
            pev( ent, pev_origin, flOrigin );
            UTIL_BreakModel( flOrigin, gMetalGibs, BREAK_COMPUTER );
            set_pev( ent, pev_flags, pev( ent, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );

            if( idattacker == iOwner )
                client_print( iOwner, print_center, "You have destroyed your Dispenser!" );

                client_print( iOwner, print_center, "[Dispenser] %s destroyed your Dispenser!", szName );

            client_cmd( iOwner, "speak ^"vox/bizwarn computer destroyed^"" );
            bDispenserBuild[ iOwner ] = false;
        gDispenserHealthOff[ iOwner ] = float( pev( ent, pev_health ) );
        emit_sound( ent, CHAN_STATIC, gDamageSounds[ random_num( 0, charsmax( gDamageSounds ) ) ], VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );    

public bacon_TraceAttack( iVictim, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, Float:flDirection[ 3 ], iTr, iDamageBits )
    new szClassname[ 32 ];
    pev( iVictim, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );
    if( equal( szClassname, gDispenserClassname ) )
        new Float:flEndOrigin[ 3 ];
        get_tr2( iTr, TR_vecEndPos, flEndOrigin );
        UTIL_Sparks( flEndOrigin );
public DispenserThink( iEnt )
    if( pev_valid( iEnt ) )
        new iStatus = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser3 );
        new iOwner = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 );

        switch( iStatus )
            case STATUS_BUILDING:
                set_rendering( iEnt, kRenderFxDistort, 255, 255, 255, kRenderTransAdd, 70 );
            case STATUS_ACTIVE:
                new id;
                for( id = 1; id <= gMaxPlayers; id++ )
                    if( is_user_connected( iOwner ) 
                    && is_user_connected( id ) 
                    && is_user_alive( id ) 
                    && cs_get_user_team( id ) == cs_get_user_team( iOwner ) )
                        new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
                        pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin );
                        if( get_distance_f( gDispenserOrigin[ iOwner ], flOrigin ) <= float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarReplenishRadius ) ) )
                            if( UTIL_IsVisible( id, iEnt ) )
                                UTIL_GiveWeaponAmmo( id );
                                // people will ask why i didn't used if and else if...
                                // because i want to recharge health and armor and ammo in same time if needed :D

                                if( get_user_health( id ) < get_pcvar_num( gCvarMaxHealth ) )
                                    set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + 1 );
                                if( get_user_armor( id ) < get_pcvar_num( gCvarMaxArmor ) )
                                    set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + 1 );
                                UTIL_BeamEnts( gDispenserOrigin[ iOwner ], flOrigin, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ] );
                set_hudmessage( gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ], 0.0, 0.21, 1, 6.0, 0.2 );
                ShowSyncHudMsg( iOwner, gHudSync, ">>>[ Dispenser ]<<<^n^nHealth Status: [%d]", floatround( gDispenserHealthOff[ iOwner ] ) );
        if( get_pcvar_num( gCvarSpinDispenser ) == 1 )
            new Float:flAngles[ 3 ];
            pev( iEnt, pev_angles, flAngles );
            flAngles[ 1 ] += 1.0;
            set_pev( iEnt, pev_angles, flAngles );

        set_pev( iEnt, pev_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 0.1 );

public BuildDispenserSolid( iEntity )
    if( pev_valid( iEntity ) )
        new iOwner = pev( iEntity, pev_iuser2 );
        if( is_user_connected( iOwner ) )
            switch( cs_get_user_team( iOwner ) )
                case CS_TEAM_T:
                    gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ] = 255, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ] = 0, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ] = 0;
                    set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ], kRenderNormal, 3 );
                case CS_TEAM_CT:
                    gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ] = 0, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ] = 0, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ] = 255;
                    set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ], kRenderNormal, 3 );

        set_pev( iEntity, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
        set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser3, STATUS_ACTIVE );

        engfunc( EngFunc_DropToFloor, iEntity );
        emit_sound( iEntity, CHAN_STATIC, gDispenserActive, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

public EVENT_TextMsg( )
    UTIL_DestroyDispensers( );

public LOG_RoundEnd( )
    UTIL_DestroyDispensers( );


stock UTIL_DestroyDispensers( )
    new iEnt = FM_NULLENT;
    while( ( iEnt = find_ent_by_class( iEnt, gDispenserClassname ) ) )
        new iOwner = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 );
        bDispenserBuild[ iOwner ] = false;
        set_pev( iEnt, pev_flags, pev( iEnt, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );

stock UTIL_BreakModel( Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], model, flags )
    engfunc( EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin, 0 );
    write_byte( TE_BREAKMODEL );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 0 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 1 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 2 ] );
    write_coord( 16 );
    write_coord( 16 );
    write_coord( 16 );
    write_coord( random_num( -20, 20 ) );
    write_coord( random_num( -20, 20 ) );
    write_coord( 10 );
    write_byte( 10 );
    write_short( model );
    write_byte( 10 );
    write_byte( 9 );
    write_byte( flags );
    message_end( );

stock UTIL_BeamEnts( Float:flStart[ 3 ], Float:flEnd[ 3 ], r, g, b )
    engfunc( EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flStart );
    write_byte( TE_BEAMPOINTS );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flStart[ 0 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flStart[ 1 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flStart[ 2 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flEnd[ 0 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flEnd[ 1 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flEnd[ 2 ] );
    write_short( gHealingBeam );
    write_byte( 5 );
    write_byte( 2 );
    write_byte( 1 );
    write_byte( 80 );
    write_byte( 1 );
    write_byte( r );
    write_byte( g );
    write_byte( b );
    write_byte( 130 );
    write_byte( 0 );
    message_end( );

stock UTIL_GiveWeaponAmmo( index )
    new szCopyAmmoData[ 40 ];
    switch( get_user_weapon( index ) )
        case CSW_P228: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_357sig" );
        case CSW_SCOUT, CSW_G3SG1, CSW_AK47: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_762nato" );
        case CSW_XM1014, CSW_M3: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_buckshot" );
        case CSW_MAC10, CSW_UMP45, CSW_USP: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_45acp" );
        case CSW_SG550, CSW_GALIL, CSW_FAMAS, CSW_M4A1, CSW_SG552, CSW_AUG: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_556nato" );
        case CSW_ELITE, CSW_GLOCK18, CSW_MP5NAVY, CSW_TMP: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_9mm" );
        case CSW_AWP: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_338magnum" );
        case CSW_M249: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_556natobox" );
        case CSW_FIVESEVEN, CSW_P90: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_57mm" );
        case CSW_DEAGLE: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_50ae" );
    give_item( index, szCopyAmmoData );

stock UTIL_Sparks( Float:flOrigin[ 3 ] )
    engfunc( EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin, 0 );
    write_byte( TE_SPARKS );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 0 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 1 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 2 ] );
    message_end( );

stock bool:UTIL_IsVisible( index, entity, ignoremonsters = 0 )
    new Float:flStart[ 3 ], Float:flDest[ 3 ];
    pev( index, pev_origin, flStart );
    pev( index, pev_view_ofs, flDest );

    xs_vec_add( flStart, flDest, flStart );
    pev( entity, pev_origin, flDest );
    engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, flStart, flDest, ignoremonsters, index, 0 );
    new Float:flFraction;
    get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, flFraction );
    if( flFraction == 1.0 || get_tr2( 0, TR_pHit) == entity )
        return true;
    return false;

          End of Code

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:

Dispenser info_aim

Мнение от OciXCrom » 28 Мар 2020, 21:03

Not tested.

/destroy [name]

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

		Build Dispenser

		Like in TFC or TF2 dispensers give you armor health and ammo
		Every time you are near at a teammate dispenser, your health, amor, or ammo will refill to maximum!

		By tuty;

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >

#include < fakemeta >
#include < hamsandwich >
#include < cstrike >
#include < engine >
#include < fun >

#include < xs >

#pragma semicolon 1

#define PLUGIN_VERSION        "# [+Destroy Command]"

#define MAX_PLAYERS        32

#define BREAK_COMPUTER        6


enum _: iColorAndCoords
	x_r = 0,

new const gDamageSounds[ ][ ] =

new const szBuildingMessages[ ][ ] =
	"Building a Dispenser right here...",
	"Directing a DISPENSER!",
	"Dispenser coming now!",
	"Dispenser coming right up ahead!"

new const gDispenserClassname[ ] = "NiceDispenser:D";

new const gDispenserActive[ ] = "buttons/button9.wav";
new const gDispenserMdl[ ] = "models/dispenser.mdl";
new const gMetalGibsMdl[ ] = "models/computergibs.mdl";
new const gHealingSprite[ ] = "sprites/laserbeam.spr";

const gDispenserAdminFlag = ADMIN_RCON;
const Float:gDispenserCheckFreq = 0.5;
const gDispenserCheckDistance = 1500;
new gDispenserSyncObj;

new gHealingBeam;
new gMetalGibs;
new gMaxPlayers;
new gHudSync;

new gCvarEnabled;
new gDispenserCost;
new gCvarDispenserHealth;
new gCvarBuildTime;
new gCvarReplenishRadius;
new gCvarSpinDispenser;
new gCvarMaxHealth;
new gCvarMaxArmor;

new Float:gDispenserOrigin[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ iColorAndCoords ];
new gBeamcolor[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ iColorAndCoords ];

new Float:gDispenserHealthOff[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new bool:bDispenserBuild[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new gUserDispenser[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];

public plugin_init( )
	register_plugin( "Build Dispenser", PLUGIN_VERSION, "tuty" );

	register_event( "TextMsg", "EVENT_TextMsg", "a", "2&#Game_C", "2&#Game_w", "2&#Game_will_restart_in" );
	register_logevent( "LOG_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );

	static szDispenserClassname[ ] = "info_target";

	RegisterHam( Ham_TakeDamage, szDispenserClassname, "bacon_TakeDamage", 1 );
	RegisterHam( Ham_TraceAttack, szDispenserClassname, "bacon_TraceAttack" );

	register_think( gDispenserClassname, "DispenserThink" );
	register_clcmd( "drop", "CommandDispenserBuild" );
	register_clcmd( "say", "CommandSay" );
	register_clcmd( "say_team", "CommandSay" );

	gCvarEnabled = register_cvar( "dispenser_enabled", "1" );
	gDispenserCost = register_cvar( "dispenser_cost", "1500" );
	gCvarDispenserHealth = register_cvar( "dispenser_health", "900" );
	gCvarBuildTime = register_cvar( "dispenser_buildtime", "5" );
	gCvarReplenishRadius = register_cvar( "dispenser_radius", "300" );
	gCvarSpinDispenser = register_cvar( "dispenser_spin", "1" );
	gCvarMaxHealth = register_cvar( "dispenser_playermax_health", "100" );
	gCvarMaxArmor = register_cvar( "dispenser_playermax_armor", "100" );

	gMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( );

	gHudSync = CreateHudSyncObj( );
	gDispenserSyncObj = CreateHudSyncObj( );

public client_connect( id )
	bDispenserBuild[ id ] = false;
	gUserDispenser[ id ] = 0;
	set_task( gDispenserCheckFreq, "ShowDispenserOwner", id, .flags = "b" );

public plugin_precache( )
	gHealingBeam = precache_model( gHealingSprite );
	gMetalGibs = precache_model( gMetalGibsMdl );

	precache_model( gDispenserMdl );
	precache_sound( gDispenserActive );

	new i;
	for( i = 0; i < sizeof gDamageSounds; i++ )
		precache_sound( gDamageSounds[ i ] );

// Added by OciXCrom: show HUD message with owner's name for targeted dispensers
public ShowDispenserOwner( id )
	new iEnt, iBody;
	get_user_aiming( id, iEnt, iBody, gDispenserCheckDistance );

	if( pev_valid( iEnt ) )
		new szClassname[ 32 ];
		pev( iEnt, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );

		if( equal( szClassname, gDispenserClassname ) )
			new szName[ 32 ], iOwner = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 );
			get_user_name( iOwner, szName, charsmax( szName ) );

			set_hudmessage( 255, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.65, .holdtime = gDispenserCheckFreq );
			ShowSyncHudMsg( id, gDispenserSyncObj, ">>>[ Dispenser ]<<<^n^nOwner: [%s]", szName );

public CommandDispenserBuild( id )
	if( !is_user_alive( id )
	|| get_user_weapon( id ) != CSW_KNIFE
	|| get_pcvar_num( gCvarEnabled ) != 1 )

	if( !( pev( id, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND ) )
		client_print( id, print_center, "You must be on ground to build a Dispenser!" );


	if( bDispenserBuild[ id ] == true )
		client_print( id, print_center, "You already have build a Dispenser!" );


	new iMoney = cs_get_user_money( id );
	new iCost = get_pcvar_num( gDispenserCost );

	if( iMoney < iCost )
		client_print( id, print_chat, "[Dispenser] You don't have enough money to build a Dispenser... Need(%d$)", iCost );


	new Float:flPlayerOrigin[ 3 ];
	pev( id, pev_origin, flPlayerOrigin );

	new Float:flHealth = float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarDispenserHealth ) );

	new iEntity = create_entity( "info_target" );

	if( !pev_valid( iEntity ) )

	set_pev( iEntity, pev_classname, gDispenserClassname );
	engfunc( EngFunc_SetModel, iEntity, gDispenserMdl );
	engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iEntity, Float:{ -12.0, -10.0, -12.0 }, Float:{ 12.0, 10.0, 12.0 } );
	set_pev( iEntity, pev_origin, flPlayerOrigin );
	set_pev( iEntity, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT );
	set_pev( iEntity, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_TOSS );
	set_pev( iEntity, pev_health, flHealth );
	set_pev( iEntity, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_YES );
	set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser2, id );
	set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser3, STATUS_BUILDING );
	set_pev( iEntity, pev_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 0.1 );

	gDispenserOrigin[ id ][ x_r ] = flPlayerOrigin[ 0 ];
	gDispenserOrigin[ id ][ y_g ] = flPlayerOrigin[ 1 ];
	gDispenserOrigin[ id ][ z_b ] = flPlayerOrigin[ 2 ];

	gDispenserHealthOff[ id ] = flHealth;
	bDispenserBuild[ id ] = true;
	gUserDispenser[ id ] = iEntity;

	set_task( float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarBuildTime ) ), "BuildDispenserSolid", iEntity );
	cs_set_user_money( id, iMoney - iCost, 1 );

	client_print( id, print_center, szBuildingMessages[ random_num( 0, charsmax( szBuildingMessages ) ) ] );


// Added by OciXCrom: /destroy command
public CommandSay( id )
	new szSay[ 64 ], szCommand[ 32 ], szArg[ 32 ];
	read_args( szSay, charsmax( szSay ) );
	remove_quotes( szSay );

	parse( szSay, szCommand, charsmax( szCommand ), szArg, charsmax( szArg ) );

	if( !equal( szCommand, "/destroy" ) )

	if( szArg[0] && get_user_flags( id ) & gDispenserAdminFlag )
		new iPlayer = cmd_target( id, szArg, CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF );

		if( !iPlayer )
			client_print( id, print_center, "Player not found!" );

		new szName[ 32 ];
		get_user_name( iPlayer, szName, charsmax( szName) );

		if( !bDispenserBuild[ iPlayer ] )
			client_print( id, print_center, "Player %s doesn't have a dispenser!", szName );

		DestroyDispenser( iPlayer );
		client_print( id, print_center, "You destroyed %s's dispenser!", szName );
		if( !bDispenserBuild[ id ] )
			client_print( id, print_center, "You don't have a dispenser!" );

		DestroyDispenser( id );
		client_print( id, print_center, "Dispenser destroyed!" );


DestroyDispenser( id )
	set_pev( gUserDispenser[ id ], pev_flags, pev( gUserDispenser[ id ], pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );
	bDispenserBuild[ id ] = false;
	gUserDispenser[ id ] = 0;

public bacon_TakeDamage( ent, idinflictor, idattacker, Float:damage, damagebits )
	new szClassname[ 32 ];
	pev( ent, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );

	if( equal( szClassname, gDispenserClassname ) )
		new iOwner = pev( ent, pev_iuser2 );

		if( pev( ent, pev_health ) <= 0.0 )
			new szName[ 32 ];
			get_user_name( idattacker, szName, charsmax( szName ) );

			new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
			pev( ent, pev_origin, flOrigin );

			UTIL_BreakModel( flOrigin, gMetalGibs, BREAK_COMPUTER );
			set_pev( ent, pev_flags, pev( ent, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );

			if( idattacker == iOwner )
				client_print( iOwner, print_center, "You have destroyed your Dispenser!" );

				client_print( iOwner, print_center, "[Dispenser] %s destroyed your Dispenser!", szName );

			client_cmd( iOwner, "speak ^"vox/bizwarn computer destroyed^"" );
			bDispenserBuild[ iOwner ] = false;

		gDispenserHealthOff[ iOwner ] = float( pev( ent, pev_health ) );
		emit_sound( ent, CHAN_STATIC, gDamageSounds[ random_num( 0, charsmax( gDamageSounds ) ) ], VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

public bacon_TraceAttack( iVictim, iAttacker, Float:flDamage, Float:flDirection[ 3 ], iTr, iDamageBits )
	new szClassname[ 32 ];
	pev( iVictim, pev_classname, szClassname, charsmax( szClassname ) );

	if( equal( szClassname, gDispenserClassname ) )
		new Float:flEndOrigin[ 3 ];
		get_tr2( iTr, TR_vecEndPos, flEndOrigin );

		UTIL_Sparks( flEndOrigin );

public DispenserThink( iEnt )
	if( pev_valid( iEnt ) )
		new iStatus = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser3 );
		new iOwner = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 );

		switch( iStatus )
				set_rendering( iEnt, kRenderFxDistort, 255, 255, 255, kRenderTransAdd, 70 );

				new id;
				for( id = 1; id <= gMaxPlayers; id++ )
					if( is_user_connected( iOwner )
					&& is_user_connected( id )
					&& is_user_alive( id )
					&& cs_get_user_team( id ) == cs_get_user_team( iOwner ) )
						new Float:flOrigin[ 3 ];
						pev( id, pev_origin, flOrigin );

						if( get_distance_f( gDispenserOrigin[ iOwner ], flOrigin ) <= float( get_pcvar_num( gCvarReplenishRadius ) ) )
							if( UTIL_IsVisible( id, iEnt ) )
								UTIL_GiveWeaponAmmo( id );

								// people will ask why i didn't used if and else if...
								// because i want to recharge health and armor and ammo in same time if needed :D

								if( get_user_health( id ) < get_pcvar_num( gCvarMaxHealth ) )
									set_user_health( id, get_user_health( id ) + 1 );

								if( get_user_armor( id ) < get_pcvar_num( gCvarMaxArmor ) )
									set_user_armor( id, get_user_armor( id ) + 1 );

								UTIL_BeamEnts( gDispenserOrigin[ iOwner ], flOrigin, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ] );

				set_hudmessage( gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ], 0.0, 0.21, 1, 6.0, 0.2 );
				ShowSyncHudMsg( iOwner, gHudSync, ">>>[ Dispenser ]<<<^n^nHealth Status: [%d]", floatround( gDispenserHealthOff[ iOwner ] ) );

		if( get_pcvar_num( gCvarSpinDispenser ) == 1 )
			new Float:flAngles[ 3 ];
			pev( iEnt, pev_angles, flAngles );

			flAngles[ 1 ] += 1.0;

			set_pev( iEnt, pev_angles, flAngles );

		set_pev( iEnt, pev_nextthink, get_gametime( ) + 0.1 );

public BuildDispenserSolid( iEntity )
	if( pev_valid( iEntity ) )
		new iOwner = pev( iEntity, pev_iuser2 );

		if( is_user_connected( iOwner ) )
			switch( cs_get_user_team( iOwner ) )
				case CS_TEAM_T:
					gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ] = 255, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ] = 0, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ] = 0;
					set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ], kRenderNormal, 3 );

				case CS_TEAM_CT:
					gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ] = 0, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ] = 0, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ] = 255;
					set_rendering( iEntity, kRenderFxGlowShell, gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ x_r ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ y_g ], gBeamcolor[ iOwner ][ z_b ], kRenderNormal, 3 );

		set_pev( iEntity, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX );
		set_pev( iEntity, pev_iuser3, STATUS_ACTIVE );

		engfunc( EngFunc_DropToFloor, iEntity );

		emit_sound( iEntity, CHAN_STATIC, gDispenserActive, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

public EVENT_TextMsg( )
	UTIL_DestroyDispensers( );

public LOG_RoundEnd( )
	UTIL_DestroyDispensers( );


stock UTIL_DestroyDispensers( )
	new iEnt = FM_NULLENT;

	while( ( iEnt = find_ent_by_class( iEnt, gDispenserClassname ) ) )
		new iOwner = pev( iEnt, pev_iuser2 );

		bDispenserBuild[ iOwner ] = false;
		set_pev( iEnt, pev_flags, pev( iEnt, pev_flags ) | FL_KILLME );

stock UTIL_BreakModel( Float:flOrigin[ 3 ], model, flags )
	engfunc( EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin, 0 );
	write_byte( TE_BREAKMODEL );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 0 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 1 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 2 ] );
	write_coord( 16 );
	write_coord( 16 );
	write_coord( 16 );
	write_coord( random_num( -20, 20 ) );
	write_coord( random_num( -20, 20 ) );
	write_coord( 10 );
	write_byte( 10 );
	write_short( model );
	write_byte( 10 );
	write_byte( 9 );
	write_byte( flags );
	message_end( );

stock UTIL_BeamEnts( Float:flStart[ 3 ], Float:flEnd[ 3 ], r, g, b )
	engfunc( EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flStart );
	write_byte( TE_BEAMPOINTS );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flStart[ 0 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flStart[ 1 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flStart[ 2 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flEnd[ 0 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flEnd[ 1 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flEnd[ 2 ] );
	write_short( gHealingBeam );
	write_byte( 5 );
	write_byte( 2 );
	write_byte( 1 );
	write_byte( 80 );
	write_byte( 1 );
	write_byte( r );
	write_byte( g );
	write_byte( b );
	write_byte( 130 );
	write_byte( 0 );
	message_end( );

stock UTIL_GiveWeaponAmmo( index )
	new szCopyAmmoData[ 40 ];

	switch( get_user_weapon( index ) )
		case CSW_P228: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_357sig" );
		case CSW_SCOUT, CSW_G3SG1, CSW_AK47: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_762nato" );
		case CSW_XM1014, CSW_M3: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_buckshot" );
		case CSW_MAC10, CSW_UMP45, CSW_USP: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_45acp" );
		case CSW_SG550, CSW_GALIL, CSW_FAMAS, CSW_M4A1, CSW_SG552, CSW_AUG: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_556nato" );
		case CSW_ELITE, CSW_GLOCK18, CSW_MP5NAVY, CSW_TMP: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_9mm" );
		case CSW_AWP: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_338magnum" );
		case CSW_M249: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_556natobox" );
		case CSW_FIVESEVEN, CSW_P90: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_57mm" );
		case CSW_DEAGLE: copy( szCopyAmmoData, charsmax( szCopyAmmoData ), "ammo_50ae" );

	give_item( index, szCopyAmmoData );

stock UTIL_Sparks( Float:flOrigin[ 3 ] )
	engfunc( EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin, 0 );
	write_byte( TE_SPARKS );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 0 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 1 ] );
	engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, flOrigin[ 2 ] );
	message_end( );

stock bool:UTIL_IsVisible( index, entity, ignoremonsters = 0 )
	new Float:flStart[ 3 ], Float:flDest[ 3 ];
	pev( index, pev_origin, flStart );
	pev( index, pev_view_ofs, flDest );

	xs_vec_add( flStart, flDest, flStart );

	pev( entity, pev_origin, flDest );
	engfunc( EngFunc_TraceLine, flStart, flDest, ignoremonsters, index, 0 );

	new Float:flFraction;
	get_tr2( 0, TR_flFraction, flFraction );

	if( flFraction == 1.0 || get_tr2( 0, TR_pHit) == entity )
		return true;

	return false;

		  End of Code

Извън линия
Мнения: 63
Регистриран на: 28 Мар 2020, 16:42
Се отблагодари: 16 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1 път

Dispenser info_aim

Мнение от GGzBoy » 29 Мар 2020, 00:04

/destroy command worked perfectly <3
but info_aim didn't work
no need to do the ID option for the administrator to break the dispenser I want more the option to see who owns the dispenser with the aim

I have an example that I found on google

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:

Dispenser info_aim

Мнение от OciXCrom » 29 Мар 2020, 00:10

Oops, forgot to make the task repeatable. I updated my code. Should work now.

Извън линия
Мнения: 63
Регистриран на: 28 Мар 2020, 16:42
Се отблагодари: 16 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1 път

Dispenser info_aim

Мнение от GGzBoy » 29 Мар 2020, 01:23

OciXCrom написа: 29 Мар 2020, 00:10 Oops, forgot to make the task repeatable. I updated my code. Should work now.
now it worked :clap: :hooray:
thanks <3 <3 <3 <3

test: I tested it on my server but the /destroy command is not working for the players just type the nick on the console because no say doesn't work either what I meant when I said about putting an option for the administrator to break the dispenser which was also to leave the /destroy option working for the player without having to put the nick or if it is possible to remove this option from the administrator and leave it as it was before I think it would be better :tnx:

Извън линия
Мнения: 7206
Регистриран на: 06 Окт 2016, 19:20
Местоположение: /resetscore
Се отблагодари: 117 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1295 пъти
Обратна връзка:

Dispenser info_aim

Мнение от OciXCrom » 29 Мар 2020, 05:27

Try now.

Извън линия
Мнения: 63
Регистриран на: 28 Мар 2020, 16:42
Се отблагодари: 16 пъти
Получена благодарност: 1 път

Dispenser info_aim

Мнение от GGzBoy » 29 Мар 2020, 15:46

works perfectly thnx u very much

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