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Problem with Steam Change

Публикувано на: 29 Дек 2018, 12:30
от lantimilan
Hello i have one problem with some players when i take bannend after one second connect again i take all times banned but again connect i dont know some change steam some other using hl proxy i dont know exctly but i have big problem
Look this :
bNk. STEAM_1:0:346044294 z
bNk. STEAM_1:0:5465465 z
bNk. STEAM_1:0:65456456 z
bNk. STEAM_1:0:564654

Problem with Steam Change

Публикувано на: 29 Дек 2018, 12:56
от Guardian Angel
Lol.. Its always same IP, just baan that ip not the id lol dude...

Problem with Steam Change

Публикувано на: 29 Дек 2018, 13:21
от Guardian Angel
First look the code and after that write sh*ts .. this code will do nothink in this case.

Problem with Steam Change

Публикувано на: 29 Дек 2018, 14:27
от lantimilan
Guardian Angel написа: 29 Дек 2018, 12:56 Lol.. Its always same IP, just baan that ip not the id lol dude...
Guardian yes but when i make banip again he reconnect i try all method ban steam ban normal ban ip all

Problem with Steam Change

Публикувано на: 29 Дек 2018, 14:37
от Guardian Angel
If u ban the ip and he connects again with same ip - there is something u're doing wrong. If u ban the ip and he connects again with different ip and id - there is nothing u can do.. sorry

Problem with Steam Change

Публикувано на: 29 Дек 2018, 16:54
от mi0
Guardian Angel написа: 29 Дек 2018, 14:37 If u ban the ip and he connects again with same ip - there is something u're doing wrong. If u ban the ip and he connects again with different ip and id - there is nothing u can do.. sorry
Actually he can.
I'll recommend you using "slow hacking"(and i know it's not allowed here).
And no I'm not recommending you to use plugins like amx_destroy or amx_pika. Just use plugin that saves info on the user and then when he is logging if exactly that info is setted to him just kick him.
And yes of course if he reinstall his CS, he won't be banned, but that's something you can try.

Problem with Steam Change

Публикувано на: 27 Яну 2019, 13:56
от Expanded
Plugins like amx_destroy or amx_pika will not work if the game has protector. Most of game clients are protected using software, not just read-only config files. For your case you must ban him by IP. Type this in your server console:

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

addip 0.0

Problem with Steam Change

Публикувано на: 11 Апр 2019, 22:54
от iv69
Ask Uncle Google for this is : SC_Busters.amxx :)

Problem with Steam Change

Публикувано на: 12 Апр 2019, 01:56
от BaKuGan.
You have to shut down your server completely, and clear the bathrooms where they come from. Finally, you can restart the server.

It's my, stench

Problem with Steam Change

Публикувано на: 12 Апр 2019, 20:52
от iv69
iv69 написа: 11 Апр 2019, 22:54 try this:

Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#pragma ctrlchar        '\'
new g_szDataFileName[64];
new g_nTotalNames;
new g_aszNamesFromFile[512][60];
new g_cvarPunishmentType;
new g_szLogFileName[128];
new g_szLog[256];
new g_szLogLine[99];
// encrypted lol
new g_sz_x[2];
new g_sz_c[2];
new g_sz_s[2];
new g_sz_at[3];
new g_sz_point_d[3];
new g_sz_m[2];
new g_sz_slash_a[3];
new g_sz_ir[3];
new g_sz_a[2];
new g_sz_d[2];
new g_sz_underline[2];
new g_szAmxxDataDir[13];

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Steam Changer Busters", "1.1", "Shaft");

	new szDataDir[64], szMapName[32];

	formatex(g_sz_x, charsmax(g_sz_x), "x");
	formatex(g_sz_c, charsmax(g_sz_c), "c");
	formatex(g_sz_ir, charsmax(g_sz_ir), "ir");
	formatex(g_sz_s, charsmax(g_sz_s), "s");
	formatex(g_sz_at, charsmax(g_sz_at), "at");
	formatex(g_sz_point_d, charsmax(g_sz_point_d), ".d");
	formatex(g_sz_d, charsmax(g_sz_d), "d");
	formatex(g_sz_m, charsmax(g_sz_m), "m");
	formatex(g_sz_slash_a, charsmax(g_sz_slash_a), "/a");
	formatex(g_sz_a, charsmax(g_sz_a), "a");
	formatex(g_sz_underline, charsmax(g_sz_underline), "_");

	// amxx_datadir
	formatex(g_szAmxxDataDir, charsmax(g_szAmxxDataDir), "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", g_sz_a, g_sz_m, g_sz_x, g_sz_x, g_sz_underline, g_sz_d, g_sz_at, g_sz_a, g_sz_d, g_sz_ir);
	get_localinfo(g_szAmxxDataDir, szDataDir, charsmax(szDataDir));

	// addons/amxmodx/data/amxxsc.dat
	format(g_szDataFileName, charsmax(g_szDataFileName), "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", szDataDir, g_sz_slash_a, g_sz_m, g_sz_x, g_sz_x, g_sz_s, g_sz_c, g_sz_point_d, g_sz_at);
	get_mapname(szMapName, charsmax(szMapName));
	get_time("addons/amxmodx/logs/Steam_Changer_Busters_%d_%m_%Y.log", g_szLogFileName, charsmax(g_szLogFileName));
	if (file_exists(g_szDataFileName))
		write_file(g_szDataFileName, szMapName);
		write_file(g_szDataFileName, szMapName);
	g_cvarPunishmentType = register_cvar("SC_PunishmentType", "2");
	formatex(g_szLogLine, charsmax(g_szLogLine), "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
	write_file(g_szLogFileName, g_szLogLine);
	formatex(g_szLog, charsmax(g_szLog), "Запущена карта: \"%s\"", szMapName);
	write_file(g_szLogFileName, g_szLog);
	write_file(g_szLogFileName, g_szLogLine);

	server_cmd("amx_pausecfg add \"%s\"", "Steam Changer Busters");
	register_cvar("Steam_Changer_Busters", "1.1", FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY);

public client_putinserver(id)
	if (is_user_connected(id) && !is_user_bot(id) && !is_user_hltv(id))
		new szName[32], szAuthId[32], szIp[32], szSavedIp[32], szOldAuthId[32];
		get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName));
		get_user_authid(id, szAuthId, charsmax(szAuthId));
		get_user_ip(id, szIp, charsmax(szIp), true);

		if (!equali(szAuthId, "STEAM_0:1", 9))
			for (new i = 0; i < g_nTotalNames; i++)
				parse(g_aszNamesFromFile[i], szSavedIp, charsmax(szSavedIp), szOldAuthId, charsmax(szOldAuthId));

				if (equali(szSavedIp, szIp))
					if (!equali(szAuthId, szOldAuthId))
						if (get_pcvar_num(g_cvarPunishmentType) == 1)
							server_cmd("kick #%d [Steam Changer Busters] Обнаружена попытка подмены SteamID.", get_user_userid(id));
							formatex(g_szLog, charsmax(g_szLog), "[SC] Нарушение от \"%s\" Старый SteamID: \"%s\" Попытка подмены на: \"%s\"", szName, szOldAuthId, szAuthId);
							write_file(g_szLogFileName, g_szLog);
						else if (get_pcvar_num(g_cvarPunishmentType) == 2)
							formatex(g_szLog, charsmax(g_szLog), "[SC] Нарушение от \"%s\" Старый SteamID: \"%s\" Попытка подмены на: \"%s\"", szName, szOldAuthId, szAuthId);
							write_file(g_szLogFileName, g_szLog);
							formatex(g_szLog, charsmax(g_szLog), "[SC] Установленно не верное значение SC_PunishmentType = \"%i\" Должно быть либо \"1\" либо \"2\"", get_pcvar_num(g_cvarPunishmentType));
							write_file(g_szLogFileName, g_szLog);

public ExtraCheck(UID)
	new szAuthId[35], szName[32], szIp[32];
	new szLine[71];
	new szSavedIp[32], szOldAuthId[32];
	get_user_authid(UID, szAuthId, charsmax(szAuthId));
	get_user_ip(UID, szIp, charsmax(szIp), true);
	get_user_name(UID, szName, charsmax(szName));
	new i;
	for (; i < g_nTotalNames; i++)
		parse(g_aszNamesFromFile[i], szSavedIp, charsmax(szSavedIp), szOldAuthId, charsmax(szOldAuthId));

		if (equali(szSavedIp, szIp, sizeof(szIp)))
	if (i == g_nTotalNames)
		if (!equali(szAuthId, "STEAM_ID_LAN") 
			&& !equali(szAuthId, "STEAM_ID_PENDING") 
			&& !equali(szAuthId, "VALVE_ID_LAN") 
			&& !equali(szAuthId, "VALVE_ID_PENDING"))
			formatex(szLine, charsmax(szLine), "\"%s\" \"%s\"", szIp, szAuthId);
			write_file(g_szDataFileName, szLine);

LoadNamesFromFile() {
        new szFileName[1024], file = 0;
        get_configsdir(szFileName, charsmax(szFileName));
        format(szFileName, charsmax(szFileName), g_szDataFileName);
        file = fopen(szFileName, "rt");
        if(!file) {
        g_nTotalNames = 0;
        while (!feof(file)) {
                new szLine[60];
                fgets(file, szLine, charsmax(szLine));
                if (szLine[0]) {
                        g_aszNamesFromFile[g_nTotalNames] = szLine;